Volunteering your time is worthwhile. Very few argue this fact. However, it can be a struggle to find a skills-based volunteer program that is readily accessible to staff located across the country. Learn how UnitedHealth group overcame this issue
by partnering with Wills for Heroes to provide first responders with essential legal documents, free of charge.
Top ten tips for creating an effective pro bono program for your non-profit organization, which will offer tremendous support by augmenting your existing legal resources while easing budget constraints.
Learn about key restructuring and insolvency laws in this multi-jurisdictional guide.
In this issue's Small Law column, Maryrose Delahunty expresses her gratitude for her ACC network who supported her professionally and emotionally after the loss of a family member.
An Australian man's case against Google for defamation is moving forward in Melbourne. The case deals with Google's search algorithm and results associate with the man's name.
Cubans say the changes to their country’s socialist economic model will happen sin prisa, pero sin pausa – without hurry, but without pausing. That may be a good – or perhaps necessary – political strategy.
A comprehensive employment survey discussing the job market in the UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, the Middle East, Australia, Asia, and North and Latin America.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in the United States.
Litigation isn't cheap. But you don't want your company's multimillion-dollar lawsuit handled by Bob's Shoeshine and Legal Services. Your company needs the best legal representation it can afford. In the finale of his Lawyerland trilogy, the author explains the basic techniques of project management he now uses after experimenting with two cases and details how and when these techniques can fruitfully be applied to manage your company's litigation.
A short briefing regarding the note issued by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) setting expectations of applications for senior compliance roles in authorized and registered firms.
Keep in mind the limits of legal privilege under Victorian and English laws, in light of decisions issued by the Victorian Supreme Court in 2022.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the Singaporean market.
Given the close relationship between the United States (US) and Canada, it is common for commercial disputes with US origins to migrate north and take on cross-border dimensions. There are certain key considerations for in-house counsel to keep in mind once a dispute reaches Canada. All Canadian provinces except for Quebec follow the common law system, to which this article is limited.
Of all the drafting problems in-house counsel face, preparing a right of first refusal (ROFR) clause may seem low risk. Behind its seeming straightforwardness, however, lurk key questions that -- if not conscientiously addressed in the drafting process -- could lead you and your client to costly and time-consuming litigation.
In this age of rapid data gathering, personal data breaches and shifting perspectives toward privacy, few things are as important to in-house counsel as the appropriate compliance measures for transferring data between the European Union and the United States.
This is a state by state medical testing background checklist.
The ACC-Smarter Law Solutions free benchmarking and consultation service (acc.com/smarterlaw) has proven to be a hit since its launch in 2019. While we are thrilled at the positive feedback we’ve received from our clients, we thought that it would be interesting to respond directly to a few widely held hesitancies expressed by those considering a basic benchmarking or performance improvement process. We gathered some of these questions and sent them to Smarter Law Solutions CEO, Trevor Faure for his candid counsel. We were particularly interested in his perspective on concerns about taking on a consultant agreement in these turbulent times for legal operations.
Contract negotiations and modifications are common practice for in-house counsel. However, the question as to who can modify a contract and under what circumstances should always be clear. In this summary, learn more about the conditions in which this process is acceptable.
Some would argue that finding the right people is paramount to outlining strategies and tactics. When running a legal department, however, perhaps that order should be reversed: First, what ... then who. With discipline and commitment, legal departments can achieve significant cost savings and operational efficiencies by implementing this approach.
This guide provides a detailed summary about the different pre-merger notification procedures in each jurisdiction.
Review of social media considerations for in-house counsel, including social media issues in recruitment and during employment.
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