Three elements work together to comprise an effective and successful software license transaction. You may not know them offhand but after reading this article, which details how certain information can raise potential licensing issues, you’ll glean a better understanding of the practical matters swirling around the process.
Learn the ins and outs of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department’s successes and show your boss how you add value to the company’s bottom line.
This guideline assists in the identification of physical security measures that can be applied at facilities to safeguard or protect an organization's assets- people, property, and information. It is not aimed at a specific occupancy, but facilities and buildings in general.
The rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in recent years has overlapped with the enactment of comprehensive privacy laws by U.S. states. Several of the comprehensive state privacy laws have provisions that specifically address certain uses of AI systems, in particular use in profiling.
This article surveys those provisions and assumes the reader is already familiar with basic concepts in the comprehensive privacy laws, such as controllership and applicability thresholds.
Camana Bay in the Cayman Islands is a meticulously groomed town, where native vegetation flanks walkways and bike trails that lead to office buildings, courtyards, restaurants and school grounds. The aesthetics are both beautiful and functional. Because every destination that spans this development is walkable, Camana Bay promotes social interaction and a low environmental impact. Dart Enterprises, where Ward Sykes is vice president of corporate and legal, is the parent company of Dart Realty, the developer of Camana Bay and the company responsible for the beautifully engineered community.
This InfoPAK seeks to guide the first general counsel through the process of establishing a legal department, addressing the range of topics he/she will encounter, from understanding company expectations to how to communicate with the new client to establishing budgets and processes. In addition, this InfoPAK includes firsthand experiences shared by five in-house counsel who served as their organizations’ first general counsel, ranging in experience, industry/company size, and perspective.
This training course provides an overview of OFAC sanctions and their key provisions. It will help you recognize situations presenting a risk of legal violations and deal with them properly.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in our series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high-level overview on private acquisitions law and practice in South Korea.
This course outlines the policies and procedures that help safeguard the safety and health of all employees.
This course is intended to help you avoid contention, conflict and dissatisfaction among your employees. If left unchecked, employee discontent can lead to high turnover, low morale and efforts to unionize. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
This survey addresses issues including staffing, departmental organization, hiring plans, cost accounting, expectations for the coming year, changes to the role of the CLO, managing outside counsel, and firm demographics. Additionally, the survey focused on the relationship of the CLOs and GCs with outside counsel through questions that explored alternative fee arrangements and challenges brought with the economic downturn.
Lisa Seilheimer, who, at the time of this interview, was senior counsel - litigation at Kaplan, Inc., discusses dealing with litigation in-house, as well as the importance of leadership.
In an exclusive interview, the National Association of Corporate Directors’ general counsel and special advisor on cybersecurity discuss the in-house counsel’s role in helping companies effectively prepare against cyber risks.
Provides a practical approach and process as well as proven tools and techniques for developing a technology plan that will support the Legal function
This publication has been prepared to provide an overview to foreign investors and business people who have an interest in doing business in the Bahamas.
610 Financial & Accounting Issues for In-house Practitioners
A presentation on how to manage your time in the technology age.
Provides guidance on effectively producing law department reports that communicate the company's legal situation, law department operations and productivity, and outside counsel management.
Dissolution of a Delaware corporation / closing a subsidiary. Includes details of dissolution process, Delaware statutory dissolution procedures, and other considerations.
This checklist consists of a non-exhaustive set of questions that in-house counsel may wish to know the answers to prior to approving any technology agreements for their clients.
Unitranche facilities, with or without accompanying super senior revolving facilities, have become a more prominent feature of the European market in recent years, driven in part by the growing number of credit funds looking to provide this product.
Why do corporations lose in high-stakes litigation before juries? A number of factors may be to blame — including plaintiffs portraying corporations as uncaring monsters long before any parties set foot in the courtroom. In this program, we will address how to overcome Ball and Keenan’s Reptilian Theory by transforming the perception of the company from the inception of the case. Our panel will focus on the use of themes (including company mottos and corporate vision statements), proper preparation of the corporate representative, and innovative approaches to voir dire, opening statement, closing argument, and demonstrative exhibits, all focused on portraying the corporation in the most favorable light possible and contributing to the best outcome at trial.
This resource provides an overview of patent regulations in Switzerland, with a focus on enforcement proceedings, licensing, and ownership.
This article provides an overview of patent enforcement proceedings in Colombia.
This guide provides an overview of patent enforcement proceedings in Mexico.
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