"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
GCCA-Europe filed comments in 2003 with the European Competition Law Commission regarding the Commission?s inquiry into the regulation of the"liberal professions? in the EU, and whether, in specific, lawyer regulation in each of the member states was in some way impinging on the free flow of commerce
Demands for email, hard drives, and backup tapes are now standard in almost every case. When does an obligation attach to preserve these documents? How do you search for them, while maintaining privilege and work product protections? This excerpt of a recent roundtable discussion provides the key to the complex world of electronic discovery.
To create a privacy program that meets compliance demands and customers’ expectations, there are four main areas you will need to address: getting your C-suite’s attention without the “help” of law enforcement or regulators, determining what resources are already in place to prevent the worst, prioritizing what is most important for your company to avoid disaster and putting together a long-term, defensible strategy. In this session, learn ways to build trust, design a defensible program and create a lasting privacy culture.
In this article, Catherine James posits that in-house counsel are perfectly situated to bridge the gap between technology and law. However, due to their legal responsibilities, there is often little time to learn and engage with new technology and the latest techniques. Find out how to work towards a more friendly exchange with your IT in this resource.
This policy aims to help employees understand how the company's business practices, guidelines and policies apply to social media.
Each year, we save one session as the ACC Chair's Choice session. This year, the Chair has chosen to focus on the real influence of the in-house bar has.
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding aviation financing and leasing across a range of jurisdictions.
We’ve all been there — swamped, in a new job and not knowing where to start. Hear veterans tell their war stories and the top five things they did (or wish they did) in their first year in-house.
In this guide, explore fundamental elements such as the regulatory body, registration and exemption requirements, securities marketing regulations, sponsor or agent engagement requirements as well as any disclosure requirements and relevant considerations when dealing with the diverse mix of societies, cultures and economies within the Asia/Pacific region.
Union membership in the American workforce has dropped dramatically since the post-Depression era peak in 1945. But the potential passage of the Employee Free Choice Act may expose a new generation of laborers to the union influence — including yours.
Due to the recession and a growth in electronic data, corporations are investing in key legal professionals who develop corporate-wide ediscovery strategies. Records management programs and data mapping analyses cut costs and ensure defensibility. Read this article and rediscover ediscovery.
Brief overview of software copyright enforcement in the European Union and EU jurisdictions.
This guide provides an overview of key legal issues, rules, and developments regarding derivatives across a range of jurisdictions.
Topics covered include documentation and formalities, credit support, insolvency/bankruptcy, close-out netting, taxation, and market trends.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII).
With one of the fastest dockets in the country and broad injunctive relief at its disposal, the ITC has become a prominent forum for patent infringement suits. Here's what you need to know about how your company can take advantage of the benefits of an ITC investigation versus patent litigation in federal court.
Summarizes the nature of the new security requirements arising from new regulations and provides an outline for preventing "the Monday morning horror" for your client, with special attention to the unique needs of the law department residing within the corporation.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC members' discussion), provides insight from ACC members regarding contract management systems. Topics discussed include choosing the right product for your law department/company and, building your own system. The resource compiles responses posted on the forums of several ACC Networks: IT, Privacy & eCommerce, New to In-house, and Small Law Departments.
This guide details key business and legal developments of interest to investors across major jurisdictions in Africa.
This is a sample group and hotel sales agreement.
This article describes three principles: strategy, experience, and teamwork (SET). While aiding you in framing the oncoming issues, each element builds upon and is influenced by the next.
Ride-sharing company Uber has achieved staggering success, now boasting 300,000 drivers worldwide. But are these drivers employees, or are they independent contractors? This distinction has lead to complex litigation for the company, and has brought up key questions about how new forms of employment are protected under current laws.
Current studies show that most European companies have yet to implement effective antitrust programs. However, to encourage compliance, the German Institute for Compliance (DICO) and the German Association of Supply Chain Management, Procurement, and Logistics recently published an English version of the DICO Guideline — with the goal of providing guidance for European companies looking to prevent violations.
Faced with increasing regulatory enforcement following the release of the Panama Papers and settlements from the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to mitigate risk. By reviewing the client intake process, in-house counsel will gain a broader understanding of the company’s compliance requirements and ensure that a partnership doesn’t inadvertently lead to a crisis.
When it was revealed that employees at Wells Fargo illegally issued nearly two million unauthorized checking and savings accounts, many wondered: How could such a large company overlook a fraudulent act of this magnitude? By learning from the missteps at Wells Fargo, in-house counsel can learn key strategies to prevent a similar scandal from arriving on the company doorstep.
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of new data privacy laws in Asia. While certain countries like Malaysia do not actively police their own privacy laws, a number of others, including Singapore, have substantially increased enforcement actions.
Fools rush in when conducting business in Japan. Rather than race through a deal, most Japanese employers value group consensus decision-making — and the same is true for creating contracts and finalizing negotiations with outside parties. After learning the basics of Japanese business etiquette, in-house counsel will discover why patience truly is a virtue.
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