This course will help you understand issues involving overtime, how "exempt" employees are classified, independent contractors, and FLSA record-keeping requirements, among other things.
This article discusses the basic principles and considerations to take into account when working in a different country from the personal experience of an American lawyer working in France.
Be prepared! Don't get caught out by the New Privacy Data Traps - session held in Melbourne 29 November 2016.
This guide provides a general overview of anti-corruption regulations in Ukraine.
The ‘smartphone wars’ have dominated legal headlines worldwide.
The aim of this article is to provide guidance to in-house counsel on the assessment and management of key risks associated with partnership opportunities. As such, in-house counsel should be able to quickly identify the antitrust risks related to each type of partnership (joint R&D, joint purchasing, joint manufacturing and/or joint marketing), taking in account the evolution in 2010 and 2011 of the EU regulatory framework on cooperation among firms.
This survey addresses issues including staffing, departmental organization, hiring plans, cost accounting, expectations for the coming year, changes to the role of the CLO, managing outside counsel, and firm demographics. Additionally, the survey focused on the relationship of the CLOs and GCs with outside counsel through questions that explored alternative fee arrangements and challenges brought with the economic downturn.
CPD is available; A certificate of completion will be automatically provided upon completion of the course.
CLE credit may be granted in jurisdictions where self-filing is allowed. Please consult your jurisdiction for their self-file or independent study rules.
DE&I initiatives have big ambitions, but day-to-day work and organisational complicity can present challenges to driving meaningful and sustainable change. Our speakers will show what in-house legal teams are doing to build their DE&I programmes successfully, how they are measuring success, and what you could do to make your DE&I efforts more effective.
Generously brought to you by ACC Europe
Strategy is the word when it comes to approaching a quagmire of patent litigation. Regardless of the business or field of industry, it's the key to overcoming competition and protecting your market interests. Glean some food for legal thought on launching a successful global patent litigation.
The legal department at McDonald's adds to the bottom line by investing in the community through a diversity pipeline project.
There are multiple approaches to driving more value in legal spending – from converging to a preferred provider network on value-based fees to improving project, process and knowledge management – or developing an innovative approach to add value to the bottom line. Learn from value leaders who have overhauled legal management practices about their initiatives and lessons learned on the road to better value.
Singapore is a major center for trade relationships with other Asian countries as well as the rest of the world. Its familiarity with the English language, the English legal structure, and its high regard for the rule of law and ease of doing business make Singapore an attractive location for Western companies seeking to establish a presence in Asia. This program will explore the advantages and disadvantages of centralizing Asian operations and trading relationships in Singapore. It will examine the organizational structures that are available in Singapore and other practical issues relating to establishing a business presence in Singapore, including hiring staff and protecting intellectual property. The panel will also consider the impact of using a Singapore entity in cross-border commercial arrangements, including considerations regarding choice of law and dispute resolution options.
Key survey insights on legal transformation initiatives with respect to litigation and internal investigations.
As companies continue to expand into international markets, counsel must understand the international arena of labor rules, regulations and organizing practices. This article offers a primer on the effects, both foreign and domestic, of international labor concerns.
While in-house attorneys in the United States may be used to including mediation as a standard part of the dispute resolution process, other parts of the world may not be so familiar, or interested, in it––especially when dealing with alternative dispute resolution (ADR). International dispute resolution is crucial as companies expand across borders and this article provides tips to consider.
The proliferation of music and movie sharing sites make it easier than ever to add multimedia – motion pictures, television video, and music -- to enhance communication and training for customers and colleagues. Yet questions about permissions and licensing persist. This program will offer an introductory class on music and video public performance law and licensing. From American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers/Broadcast Music, Inc./Society of European Stage Authors and Composers, to movie and television studios, to public performance licenses, to sync licenses, and more, this program will provide an overview of current laws pertaining to music and video licensing and offer practical approaches on when organizations need to seek permission for reuse. Guidelines on how to go about securing the necessary permissions, clearances and licenses will be offered.
Many have discussed the topic of selecting and retaining quality outside counsel, especially as it relates to efficient litigation. Here, the author explores this topic, with a focus on the law firm qualities that in-house attorneys should be looking for during this process.
This course is intended to provide an overview of U.S. export controls and to help you recognize "red flags" — situations presenting a risk of legal violations — and deal with them properly.
This training course will help you recognize situations that raise ADA issues and assist you in dealing with these issues effectively. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
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