This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Small Law Departments eGroups, addresses possible activities to play with kids on Take Your Child To Work Day.
To create a privacy program that meets compliance demands and customers’ expectations, there are four main areas you will need to address: getting your C-suite’s attention without the “help” of law enforcement or regulators, determining what resources are already in place to prevent the worst, prioritizing what is most important for your company to avoid disaster and putting together a long-term, defensible strategy. In this session, learn ways to build trust, design a defensible program and create a lasting privacy culture.
In this article, Catherine James posits that in-house counsel are perfectly situated to bridge the gap between technology and law. However, due to their legal responsibilities, there is often little time to learn and engage with new technology and the latest techniques. Find out how to work towards a more friendly exchange with your IT in this resource.
Today’s global economy, along with competition overseas, is making the collective bargaining process between companies and unions challenging. When an agreement that satisfies the union cannot be met, a strike can commence— often resulting in lengthy labor disputes. How do attorneys navigate the complex process of labor negations? This case study, highlighting an 18-month strike at Cognis Corp., sheds light on what your company might consider if you’re ever face-to-face with a picket line.
How much diligence is due? The authors discuss the various levels and elements of environmental due diligence and the factors that determine the appropriate level of due diligence in a given transaction.
Google was recently ordered to produce a “smoking gun” email that it claimed to be protected by the attorney-client privilege. The Federal Circuit’s ruling represents a troubling trend. It seems that privileged communications are disappearing in the digital age. This article discusses how to mitigate the undermining of privilege in electronic communications.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC members' discussion), provides insight from ACC members regarding contract management systems. Topics discussed include choosing the right product for your law department/company and, building your own system. The resource compiles responses posted on the forums of several ACC Networks: IT, Privacy & eCommerce, New to In-house, and Small Law Departments.
Brief overview of software copyright enforcement in the European Union and EU jurisdictions.
Summarizes the nature of the new security requirements arising from new regulations and provides an outline for preventing "the Monday morning horror" for your client, with special attention to the unique needs of the law department residing within the corporation.
Commercial tenants are likely to encounter the common triple net (NNN) lease; however, without negotiating more favorable terms, they risk accepting an agreement that most often favors landlords.
This resource provides some tips to negotiating more favorable terms.
Currently, an open-ended investment fund in Hong Kong can only take the form of a unit trust. However, Hong Kong based managers will soon have the choice of an alternative structure, the open-ended fund company (“OFC”), for establishing investment funds in Hong Kong. The objectives of introducing OFC is to offer an alternative legal structure for setting up local funds and to attract more funds to domicile in Hong Kong.
This article describes three principles: strategy, experience, and teamwork (SET). While aiding you in framing the oncoming issues, each element builds upon and is influenced by the next.
Faced with increasing regulatory enforcement following the release of the Panama Papers and settlements from the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to mitigate risk. By reviewing the client intake process, in-house counsel will gain a broader understanding of the company’s compliance requirements and ensure that a partnership doesn’t inadvertently lead to a crisis.
Managing a business dispute in China requires foresight at the time of a deal; potential issues can often be spotted during initial negotiation meetings. Most important, the key for any foreigner doing business in china is to appreciate the cultural, historical and political differences that create a dynamic, if not challenging, business landscape. This article offers practical tips to assist you in preparing and executing a deal, avoiding dispute, and how to tackle a dispute should one arise.
Coupled with federal funding, joint ventures with universities or nonprofits often result in major discoveries having significant commercial implications. However, without clear contractual assignments, corporations could discover themselves in front of the Supreme Court. The article describes the proactive steps involved in protecting your company’s IP.
Legal hold and data protection requirements are evolving, and with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation on the horizon, new tensions are arising for multinational corporations trying to maintain compliance with both.
In-house lawyers contribute substantially to the development of the enterprise-wide risk management plan, but successful lawyers often go beyond this function, bringing more to the table than just legal expertise. Lawyers can best position themselves as executive leaders if they use a risk management template to develop an individual professional effectiveness plan.
As in-house counsel, you never know when you’ll encounter an unforeseen event that triggers an internal investigation. But when you do, you’ll want to be prepared. Whether it’s a whistleblower complaint or a personnel-related issue, companies can no longer afford to treat claims on a case-by-case basis, and must create precautionary policy that ensures that every investigation is fair and safe for all involved.
The mobility of the workforce can be a downright menace for companies whose competitive edge depends on proprietary information, and whose doesn’t these days? If you think an employee agreement is sufficient protection against your client’s trade secrets walking out the door with departing employees, you may be wrong. David A. Schwab, of Medshares Management Group shares his secrets for preventing proprietary information from decamping to competitors.
This is a Request for Proposal to provide transactional services.
This Leading Practices Profile presents themes, trends and leading contingent worker practices of six legal departments, a professional association and one law firm in managing contingent workforces and mitigating risks associated with these types of workforces.
How "disruptive business models" affect competition and impact consumers and which regulation and regulatory regimes should apply to new entrants such as Uber, AirBnB etc?
In Mexico, as in the rest of the world, trademarks that are duly registered may be enforced against third parties who attempt to use or copy them. It is advisable to take certain measures with respect to their use and maintenance. This article offers several recommendations, including the following: Always use marks in the manner in which they were registered.
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