Building and repairing relationships are guaranteed aspects of almost all careers. This article weighs in on how to be regarded as more of a trusted advisor than a service provider, underscoring the overarching importance of value.
Does the recent Business Roundtable show hope for “conscious capitalists”? Or is it just a façade?
Should a workplace misconduct allegation arise, follow these steps for a thorough investigation.
ACCA?s Corporate & Securities Law Committee's to the SEC on"Disclosure Regarding Nominating Committee Functions and Communications between Security Holders and Boards of Directors (September 15, 2003).?
In his first Career Path Column, NetApp General Counsel Matt Fawcett talks about his leap from the traditional law firm career trajectory to an industry that’s more fulfilling.
This is a sample of frequently asked questions about corporate compliance programs.
This article describes the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, in Hong Kong, such as Bitcoin, but also goes into the risks that investors could face. Additionally, it provides a list of legal recourses available to investors so they are able to prevent substantial losses.
A dizzying array of US state and federal laws address consumer protection, and any number of state and federal agencies have authority to investigate alleged consumer-protection violations and initiate enforcement actions.
This sample follows daily progress on an employee's projects.
After graduating from Duquesne Law School in Pittsburgh, Pa., Kathleen Dohmlo was hired into the New Lawyer Development Program at Alcoa, Inc., where she was trained as a commercial attorney. Dohmlo has spent her entire career in-house. She has been with LANXESS for seven years and, prior to that, was with Bayer MaterialScience LLC for six years. In 2011, she was assigned to Singapore to establish LANXESS’ legal function for Southeast Asia. While it was no chore to settle into the landscape and layout of Singapore, cultural differences, particularly in the workplace, took more effort to overcome. Learn how she overcame those differences.
The key to long-term, sustainable business results in the Asia Pacific region is hiring and retaining the right staff.
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Australia Trends Survey examines the practices, trends and changes in the in-house legal profession. Conducted annually, the ACC Australia Trends Survey is issued to all members currently working in-house, with the 2016 survey gathering responses from 303 in-house counsel operating in Australia.
In-house counsel in the United States are increasingly mobile, working across jurisdictions on behalf of their employers. In this resource, ACC provides a starting point for in-house counsel to determining their professional and ethical responsibilities prior to locating in a new jurisdiction or otherwise engaging in multijurisdictional practice (MJP).
This is a sample company employee handbook.
In-house counsel today exist in a vortex of competing and ever-changing legal requirements, regulatory schemes, technological developments, and budgetary constraints. This article tells you how to integrate technology into your legal department to simplify the task of thriving among these diverse and often contradictory forces, how to examine your internal processes, and how to implement technology to solve existing problems.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the key issues any international non-government organization (NGO) should consider when evaluating their international employment needs, considering expansion into a new region/jurisdiction, or in any other context where employment law may arise.
As baby boomers approach their golden years and prepare to exit the working world, they’ve been hit with the reality of a dismal economy coupled with longer life expectancies. Phased retirement has been a win-win opportunity for counsel who don’t want the obligation of a full-time workload and employers who need to harvest the skills of seasoned attorneys.
Litigation — everyone’s doing it. But a patent infringement suit has a specific set of consequences, some of them looming gloomy and dark over the future of your company if you find yourself engulfed in a case. Are there any other options for resolution aside from this pensive and painstaking process? Read on to explore the alternate road.
Diversity has been a corporate buzz word for quite some time. Based on Accenture’s system, it’s possible to take it from an idea to an action. Read how the company’s global legal network developed an inclusive internal environment and how that had a domino effect on their external relationships.
This is a sample e-Discovery services agreement.
This summary of the 2024 ACC Law Department Compensation Survey provides high-level results of key in-house compensation metrics and employment trends in the in-house legal profession.
This is a list of supplemental resources for the session.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) was compiled from the questions and responses posted by the Litigation Network on their Forum. This discussion addresses whether lost profits are direct or indirect damages and, if direct, what are the appropriate methods of calculation in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
Much like in Shakespearean plays, a government-driven investigation into company compliance can end as either a comedy or as a tragedy. To ensure the former, in-house counsel should work collaboratively with outside counsel to plan, establish, and execute an effective response plan. In doing so, the company can guarantee a positive relationship with federal regulators and avoid meeting a tragic Shakespearean demise.
In parallel to the handling of legal cases in daily operations, every legal department has knowledge management on the top of its agenda. In an international legal department, an accurate response tailored to the company needs may make the difference between success and failure, noting the difference in needs and resources between small and large departments that are centrally or internationally located. These aspects will be elaborated and opinions will be exchanged in an interactive workshop that will bring new ideas and practical solutions to in-house lawyers.
In his final Career Path column, Mark Rolleig shares his leadership lessons and rules for career success he’s learned over the years.
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