The rules of civil procedure are once again being amended, this time to update them for document production in the digital age. Judge Shira A. Scheindlin talks about what the proposed changes will mean for in-house counsel. She also gives advice and her top ten tips on conducting e-discovery in the current murky shadow of Rule 26, to avoid garnering sanctions for inadvertently violating a discovery order, or worse yet charges of spoliation of evidence.
This checklist will help you examined all the non-benefits considerations for the workplace in a Post-Roe world.
Learn about the importance of liquidators in Hong Kong and recent increased scrutiny of them in their courts.
Learn about Nigeria's legal treatment of employees who resign in anticipation of disciplinary proceedings.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
In 2012, China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange promulgated the Circular on Further Improving and Adjusting Foreign Exchange Administrative Policies on Foreign Direct Investment (Circular No. 59). It replaces more than 30 approval requirements with simpler registration procedures, streamlines many administrative procedures for foreign exchange transactions and relaxes some restrictions on funds used for foreign direct investment (FDI). The changes resulting from it are reviewed in this article. <br />
Learn about Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and related copyright issues.
Learn how to walk the line between your obligation to respond to document requests and your responsibility to protect company interests.
The global legal landscape of the cannabis market can be confusing. In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about global regulations, state of the industry, the basics of the market and more. Meritas produced this resource in 2019.
"To sharpen the saw," sometimes it's important to learn, play, and rest before tackling your to-do list.
An overview of settling environmental cases.
Discuss the involvement of non-lawyers (e.g., paralegals) in contract review; Explore what contract approval processes your peers have in place; Discuss what systems your peers have in place to manage contracts’ life cycles from conclusion to termination; and Share and learn from your colleagues best practices on how a legal department can become a better facilitator in the contracting process within your organization.
The scope of information to be held confidential is remarkably similar for all lawyers, no matter the country you practice in. The real differences are manifested in the exceptions to the duty of confidentiality and the applicability of the duty to in-house lawyers. The exceptions to confidentiality are generally (though not universally) broader in the United States. Do not always assume that US ethics law is the most protective. When it comes to confidential information relating to business crimes or fraud, for example, it often may not be. It is imperative to fully understand and properly analyze confidentiality and choice of law issues where foreign ethics law is involved.
An effective anti-corruption program deters the risk of wrongdoing, positively affects corporate culture, improves the company’s relationship with regulatory authorities and provides the company with options for remedial measures should they need to be undertaken quickly. Read this article to learn how to achieve these benefits.
Instead of pitting the generations against each other, Columnist Whitnie Wiley suggests that millennials, Gen-Xers, and baby boomers should try to understand one another.
This is a sample mergers & acquisitions (M&A) due diligence checklist – data protection
This is a sample contract review and approval policy.
Learn about Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs) and their introduction in Singapore's Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill.
Learn about privacy rights and information protection provided by South Africa's Protection of Personal Information Act 4.
Learn about the Mauritian Data Protection Act 2017 provisions on data transfer and portability as compared with GDPR.
Learn about the how environmental, social, and governance considerations affect four stages of M&A transactions.
Learn tips and pitfalls regarding advertising in connection with the 2022 Football World Cup in Qatar.
This is a brief Legal Quick Hit Overview
The 2013 ACC Value Champions share how they achieve strong alignment between business clients, inside and outside counsel through leading management practices including pricing, collaboration and continuous improvement. This will be an interactive session, so bring your own questions and concerns.
Summarizes how to meet the deadline, study the response, get authorization to respond, and understand the ethical and regulatory rules regarding audit response letters.
Janine Greenwood, chief legal officer, vice president and secretary of National Student Clearinghouse, describes her daily routine. She shares the success of her efforts to make uniform her organization’s compliance policies and procedures and how she makes use of ACC resources. <br />
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