The Commission published this concept release to seek public comment regarding audit committee reporting requirements, with a focus on the audit committee’s reporting of its responsibilities with respect to its oversight of the independent auditor.
Understand the implications of the Brexit agreement of December 24, 2020 between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
This profile and its attendant resources are written to help in-house counsel assess their emerging role in preventing corporate failures, the risks they face (personally and professionally) in representing the company/organization in that capacity, and protections available to in-house counsel in the in- house employment setting.
This InfoPAK will discuss why a strategic plan is needed and how to develop one.
If you’re ready to move to value-based fee structures, you probably know that data and metrics are key to determining fee structures and benchmarking your legal spend. In this session, we’ll examine what data is needed to map to a suitable fee structure, and consider data mining techniques and technology options.
Many companies lack a formal process for contract administration. Many others have a contract process which is in need of updating or improvement. This program session will review the lifecycle of contracts and highlight ways to develop and improve a company’s formalized contracting process. This session will emphasize practical tips that can be used to implement a contract management system and enforce up-to-date contracting policies, including who should be responsible for running the process, how contracts should be routed within the organization, signing authority, electronic contract management systems, monitoring contract compliance, and record retention.
This is a sample HIPAA policy and procedure document for organizations to give to employees.
In an interview with Jeffrey Paquin, he explores the nature of law department management. Using his experience, Paquin reflects on what the purpose of management is and highlights its practical aspects.
Many have discussed the topic of selecting and retaining quality outside counsel, especially as it relates to efficient litigation. Here, the author explores this topic, with a focus on the law firm qualities that in-house attorneys should be looking for during this process.
Discusses ACC's response to and position on the FAS 5 Exposure Draft, and what proposed amendments to the FAS 5 ACC has put forth.
Provides a chief operations counsel's top ten law department leadership principles.
This article summarizes the new Hong Kong National Security Law, so corporations may understand it better and comply with the provisions of the legislation. It also compares the provisions of this law with equivalent legislation in the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and Singapore, and also provides additional recommendations and considerations for corporate compliance.
After a decade of one ABA Section Committee that covered both Superfund and
Hazardous Waste, we decided to realign to better reflect the way practitioners have segmented
their practices. Thus, this is the maiden voyage of a new committee known as the Superfund and
Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee. Note the emphasis on litigation. As we step
into the next phase of Superfund and NRD, we all expect the litigation to continue. This
committee is devoted to providing practical information, resources and tools to assist those
lawyers whose focus is in the Superfund and NRD areas.
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