Discusses how your corporation can contribute to political campaigns without running afoul of federal or local law.
This article takes you through the most important considerations confronting in-house counsel in a typical grand jury investigation, including how to preserve the attorney-client privilege at each step and ensure that employees are aware of their rights when dealing with the government, while avoiding any conduct that could be construed as obstruction of justice.
Companies defined as “foreign private issuers” enjoy a number of important advantages under special SEC rules and accommodations.
Panelists provide an overview of legal project management techniques and tools. They share war stories and engage you in a discussion about best practices for scoping projects, managing teams and budgets, communicating to stakeholders, addressing scope creep, and conducting post project reviews.
Why do corporations lose in high-stakes litigation before juries? A number of factors may be to blame—including plaintiffs portraying corporations as uncaring monsters long before any parties set foot in the courtroom. For many years now, the Plaintiffs’ Bar has used litigation tactics consistent with the “Reptile Theory” to gain an advantage in the litigation and influence the ultimate outcome in the courtroom. In this presentation, we will address ways to combat these tactics by transforming the perception of the company from the inception of the case in the United States.
Learn to spot common issues in advertising, trademarks, licensing and other areas so that you leave empowered to respond accordingly.
This publication has been prepared to provide an overview to foreign investors and business people who have an interest in doing business in Turks & Caicos.
As legal situations are in a constant state of flux because of the topical nature of the issue mandatory national law and current case law should always be complied with when using the clauses.
Germany is the provides a number of real estate investments of companies and private individuals. This form provides some insight as to how to navigate real estate investments in Germany for in-house counsel.
A comprehensive management systems approach for security, preparedness, response, mitigation, business/operational continuity, and recovery for disruptive incidents resulting in an emergency, crisis, or disaster.
This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to employment and labor laws and regulations around the world.
Topics covered include terms and conditions of employment, employee representation and industrial relations, discrimination, maternity and family leave rights, and business sales.
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers common issues in construction and engineering laws and regulations – including supervising construction contracts and dispute resolution.
This quick overview discusses new Brazilian new rules for the general conditions of regular passenger air transport in the domestic and international spheres. The new rules arise from Resolution No. 400/2016 of Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), which is responsible for the standardization and enforcement of the rules of the Brazilian air transport sector.
Um original da ACC: As 6 Habilidades Principais Para Ser Um Advogado Corporativo Eficaz (Parte 5)
In the Netherlands, business owners have to request the advice of the Works Council (OR) well in advance of a merger of takeover decision. If the business owner fails to make the request for advice timely, the Enterprise Chamber may require him or her to withdraw the decision. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the advisory path correctly and consult the works council well in advance. But what does "well in advance" mean?
This is a sample consulting agreement between a company and consultant.
The September 2017 amendments to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations introduced a new scheme for pharmaceutical patent linkage litigation in Canada. That scheme is now much closer to the United States' (US) Hatch-Waxman scheme, but with remaining key differences that are explained in this chart.
This policy brief will inform you on ESMA details for investors and general counsel alike.
This is a sample marketing services agreement.
Knowledge management is more than efficient organization information sharing. It requires permanent KM personnel, implantation of collaborative technology, buy-in from management, and the integration of KM processes into the daily organizational life. The more prosaic and "in the flow" KM initiatives are, the ore likely they are to succeed.
This Quick Counsel addresses The Right of Regret in the Brazilian Consumer Code which provides the Consumer the prerogative to withdraw from the purchase of a product or hiring a service that has not been held in a physical store.
Find out why work-life balance is important in the Canadian Work-life Balance Report. Key findings include the most important benefits to in-house counsel in Canada, the impact of caregiving on recruitment and retention and ways companies can maintain productivity and promote balance.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or Commission) Chair Gary Gensler has signaled his desire to have the SEC propose rules in April 2022 to increase its scrutiny of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and private companies that go public through de-SPAC transactions.
A brief arguing that it is a normal, useful, and desirable practice for in-house counsel to advice affiliated companies.
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