Learn practical suggestions for making smart hires for your legal department.
In-house lawyers are always searching for opportunities to streamline a process. Often, a streamlined process equates to efficiencies within the legal department and higher productivity of the in-house lawyers and paralegals. Read this article to find out more.
This is a sample form for self certification of the EU-US privacy shield
Mexico has many trusts that were created for foreigners to acquire and own real estate in the restricted zone (a strip of 50 kilometers – approximately 31 miles – along the coast, or 100 kilometers – approximately 62 miles – from the border). This article explains the process through which a foreigner names the person or persons who will replace him or her as trust beneficiary in the event of death.
Amicus Brief ISO Texas Windstorm 10.11.18
A lack of understanding about your company's data management system can land you in hot water. There are ways to improve communication between in-house lawyers and the information technology group before and after receipt of document requests. Prepare your organization so when you respond to an electronic data request, you can avoid potential pitfalls.
A "Claims-Made and Reported" policy that requires a claim to be made upon the insured and reported to the company during the policy period and contains provisions which limit the amount of legal defense expense the company is responsible to pay in connection with claims.
This article addresses how a General Counsel should evaluate which performance standards or metrics will help communicate the company's value.
This article shows how continued growth across the GCC has given rise to more hiring of dedicated In-House Counsel.
This article deals with companies’ accountability for responsible employment practices in their global supply chains.
A key element to executing an effective records management or Information Governance program is ensuring that the right stakeholders are engaged.
This article covers information regarding a regulatory change in food safety in China.
This presentation will examine the risks, rewards and basic steps of evaluating and soliciting offers to monetize intellectual property assets of the company.
This article reviews the Climate Action Plan (CAP) recently released by President Obama. CAP sets out bold new domestic and international actions for the United States to mitigate “carbon pollution,” adapt to climate change impacts, and enhance its international leadership on climate and clean energy.
A methodology for prioritizing initiatives to optimize investments in people, processes and tools to achieve savings.
In his May business ethics column, James Nortz introduces the concept of crew resource management.
Pfizer's consolidation of employment litigation and counseling to one firm, Jackson Lewis, and the value added, is described in this Value Practice resource.
Valorem's customized alternative fee arrangements, and its firm structure and practices are designed to consistently deliver value to clients. Patrick Lamb discusses key elements to their approach.
This table presumes that employees are covered by the relevant labor law, however in many jurisdictions administrative and managerial and professional employees are not covered and severance (while customary) may not be required. Also, where it may be hard to meet the statutory requirements the default is usually to proceed by mutual agreement. In most locations may not terminate employees on occupational illness leave.
The Coronavirus pandemic has seen a boost in popularity in alternative dispute resolution processes, which obviously face some technical and logistical challenges, but have also shown to aid in facilitating dispute resolution in a flexible and cost-effective measure. The article also provides sample contract clauses for parties to consider including as part of their process so that all of the guidelines are explicitly laid out.
Catherine J. Moynihan, ACC’s senior director for legal management services, interviewed Brad Nielson, Shell’s general counsel for Global Litigation, about the company’s turn toward appropriate fee arrangements.
Comment Letter California Rules of Professional Conduct
A member-submitted memorandum drafted to provide a non-profit organization's legal department a CASL overview.
A conversion of a legal entity into another legal form may offer advantages, such as more opportunities for raising capital or expansion or more opportunities for commercial operations.
This resource contains 51 key questions to ask when polling your clients about their satisfaction with outside counsel.
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