The session will cover important recent US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) developments since the 2015 ACC Annual Meeting. The program will review significant enforcement actions and trends as well as recent SEC developments related to the Volcker Rule, shareholder proposals, and the rule for pay ratio disclosure. This program will also examine those sections of the Dodd-Frank Act that matter most to corporate and securities lawyers in their day-to-day practices, including providing advice to management and board members. The session will review the network of regulations that have been adopted pursuant to those sections and report on the status of regulations not yet adopted by the SEC. This will be a fast-moving program; come equipped with a working knowledge of the Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and1934.
Swidler & Berlin, et al. v. U.S, U.S. S. Ct., 4/1/1998. This Amicus Brief argues in light of Federal Rule of Evidence 501's "reason and experience" an absolute, rather than qualified, posthumous privilege is necessary. Additionally, the court erred in applying the lax work-product standard for purely factual information to mental-impression work product, and allowed the disclosure of factual material in the lawyer's notes revealing his thoughts and legal strategies.
This article addresses how the management of a company has to consult the works council with respect to a number of important decisions.
Situated in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is a top location for data centers and cloud services. In Switzerland, privacy and data protection are respected both by law and in practice. Learn more about why Switzerland is such an attractive location.
This article shows how reasonableness and fairness play a crucial and special role in Dutch law.
This guide highlights the fact that there is currently significant variation in pension provision throughout Europe, suggesting homogenisation, for the moment at least, remains some distance away.
Robert Half Legal's best career advice for surviving and even thriving at the upcoming holiday festivities.
See who's moving up in the world of in-house law.
While losing a critical component of your in-house legal team may be a set-back, a counteroffer is not likely to accomplish your goal of keeping the person over the long term. Read this article to find out why.
Read this article to find out how grooming a successor can be a major steppingstone in your career development. In this article, Robert Half Legal, ACC's Alliance partner for legal staffing services, provides helpful hints to determine essential job requirements to consider, identify your prospective replacement, as well as the continued coaching and mentoring of said replacement.
This article contains tips on how to be a successful office politician.
Sometimes it requires a little extra effort to get along with your colleagues. Read this article to find helpful ways to move past hard feelings and towards more calm situations and interactions.
Colombia is a democratic nation that bases its real estate sector activity under the principle of respect for property rights, which are limited in accordance with the Constitution of 1991, the law and the prevalence of the common good. Colombia has developed local powers and responsibilities to regulate land use and its development for the purpose of political centralization and administrative decentralization. Learn more about the authority the government has over the management and use of land, particularly as it relates to environmental obligations and rural development.
This article describes how in case of an attack by hackers or accidental loss of personal data, companies can still keep calm and take the appropriate actions in order to mitigate the loss and damage.
When most organizational leaders think of diversity initiatives, they tend to think of racial, gender and cultural diversity. Another aspect of workplace diversity that almost every organization has, but remains largely overlooked by most organizations today, is generational diversity.
Don't be daunted by the challenges that go along with making a transition. This article contains some tips for making the transition easier in the United States.
This article contains four tips for effective succession planning for your firm’s critical legal professionals.
Once you get to know Swiss people and their numerous laws, which you should never bend or break, you will be very happy in Switzerland, particularly if you like outdoor activities.
Insight on whether or not to expand your legal staff in a rebounding economy.
This article provides tips to improve your communication skills.
This article gives tips on how to appropriately move on to a different job.
As in-house counsel struggle to do more with less, outsourcing is increasingly one tool we consider. And the range of options has grown in recent years. They often sound good, but how effective are they really? How can you make them work to suit your needs? In this program material, a panel shares their experience and insights on what works, what doesn't and how to make legal sourcing work for you.
As corporate legal departments continue to closely monitor budgets and bring more work in-house, attorneys and support staff must often bear the brunt of fewer resources. Even if the firm has been able to avoid staff reductions, legal teams still need the ongoing support of managing attorneys to operate at their peak. In this article, Robert Half Legal offers a number of strategies that can help, such as aligning tasks with talents, adopting cost-effective staffing measures, and encouraging open communication.
Learn how to approach your superiors and properly explain the issues to them when you have made a mistake.
Even in difficult financial times, training should remain a priority. Read this article from staffing professionals at Robert Half Legal on how to continue grooming your lawyers skills and keep them up to date.
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