In Japan, the “Feed-in Tariff (FIT) System for Renewable Energy” was introduced in 2012. The “Feed-in Tariff (FIT) System for Renewable Energy” (the “System”) is a system in which the Japanese government gives its assurance that electric power made by renewable energy will be purchased at a certain rate by an electric power company at the located site. Recently, the number of domestic and overseas business operators has increased significantly. This article details the legal procedures needed for entry into the electric power business under the System.
Seven lawyer interview questions to pose to make sure that the interviewee has the skills, experience, and character traits that fit your needs.
Read this article and learn which terms to avoid when freshening up your resume.
There's a growing demand for bi-lingual lawyers. Read this article to see how the need for lawyers fluent in Spanish and Chinese is being addressed.
This study found that companies targeted for board representation by hedge fund activists demonstrated a boost in their short-term stock performance. The study also found that over the longer term, targeted companies showed a dramatic improvement after the intervention, for up to five years after a hedge fund activist obtains at least one board seat.
This article, developed by Womble Bond Dickinson, continues the 11- month countdown to develop business compliance strategies for three new omnibus privacy laws coming in 2023: January 1: the California Consumer Privacy Rights Act (which amends the existing CCPA) and the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act; July1: the Colorado Privacy Act. With 8 months to go, this alert compares the individual rights granted under each of the state privacy laws.
To prevent losing legal professionals to competitors, here are three major factors that affect retention rates and tips on what you can do to help your best people want to stay with your firm.
If you sense low morale and high anxiety among your staff, take action before the problems spiral out of control. This article contains some legal practice management steps you can take.
Learn ways to promote better time management in your legal department.
This article contains three trends that are having an impact on today’s law offices — and legal careers.
The number of law suits companies faced in 2013 remained relatively unchanged compared with prior years, but the potential financial impact of those cases and the cost of defending them have risen, with health care and energy companies appearing particularly vulnerable, according to a new litigation survey.
Learn what key trends and issues Chief Legal Officers have identified as top of mind.
This column discusses the consequences of government charges against in-house counsel and a few ideas on how to stay out of trouble.
Though many might insist they don't like conferences, Small Law Columnist Maryrose Delahunty explains why it's more beneficial -- and enjoyable -- than they might think.
Learn how the author handled saying goodbye to a dear colleague on the day of his promotion.
Many of the shortcomings of hourly billing appear right on the invoices themselves! Rather than despair, however, the author has derived a certain entertainment from the review process, roughly akin to playing the game Whack-a-Mole.
An ACC letter supporting Ohio's adoption of ABA Model Rule 5.5, which covers multi-jurisdiction practice.
This is a cheat sheet for Schedule 13G Annual Filings.
Read tips on how to create, manage, and support a project team that will bring more value to your company.
It would be easy to attribute the changes underway in today's law firms and legal departments to the greatest economic crisis in decades. The downturn undoubtedly made its mark, but the fundamental shifts taking place in the legal field today have much earlier roots.
In response to the recession, some legal departments have cut staff too deeply and are now finding they must hire additional professionals, though selectively, to meet key deadlines. Others are simply taking advantage of the larger pool of talent to upgrade their bench strength. It seems natural to assume that the greater number of job seekers would make departments' efforts easier. But even in a competitive market, there are obstacles that can still confront.
This article, written by Robert Half Legal, provides insight on how succession planning will help keep your company afloat. Learn about talent trends, the benefits of succession planning, and how to really build a plan for when the workplace starts to change.
"Diversity" is often acknowledged as an important goal in building project or case teams, but there's little discussion about why it is desirable. Read this article from Robert Half Legal to learn why diversity creates a more productive project team.
Legal Services Corporation Funding GC Letter
This is a state by state medical testing background checklist.
Learn how to expand value to the organization, set clear goals, communicate effectively and behave with integrity while maintaining career strategies in this tough economic time. From Robert Half Legal.
Every new year begins with the best of intentions, as career-minded professionals take stock of how far they've traveled toward their goals and where they hope to go from here. But how many of these resolutions will survive past February? Read this article to find out how.
In response to the difficult economy, legal departments are attempting to control costs by better managing outside counsel, often bringing more work in house. Here are some strategies for maximizing the efficiency of an in-house legal team.
This article lends suggestions on how to properly address and motivate different generations of workers.
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