This program originally aired on December 7, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
The way a company addresses âsocialâ considerations may be defined by the relationships is maintains with its workforce, the societies in which it operates, and the political environment. In this webcast, key attorneys will discuss the latest legal and compliance considerations surrounding social aspects in the workplace, with a focus on (1) how companies are creating risk and rolling back their DEI policies; (2) potential liabilities for Chief Sustainability Officers and Chief Human Resource Officers (3) key takeaways from the SEC's Investor Advisory Committee meeting; and (4) potential liabilities surrounding EU regulations i.e., Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. The Webcast will also discuss the environmental considerations in anticipation of the release of the SEC's climate rules.
This program will feature the following panelists:
Joseph M. Dawley, P.E. Executive Counsel, HSE, Sustainability and Regulatory Law Baker Hughes Company (Bio) |
Betty M. Huber Partner Latham & Watkins LLP (Bio) |
Sarah E. Fortt Partner Latham & Watkins LLP (Bio) |
This program originally aired on September 26, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
After a six-year journey, India's digital personal data protection law has arrived. Corporate houses need to brace themselves to adapt to this brand new regime which seeks to balance individual privacy, with the growing data-driven needs of a digital business world. This session with Khaitan & Co will decode and discuss the various facets and the practical implications of the new regulation and shed light on some critical deviations from the GDPR standards.
Generously sponsored by Khaitan & Co.
This program originally aired on March 7, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
ChatGPT and other human-language information models promise to revolutionize how we interact with technology and information. Like any new innovation, the use and misuse of ChatGPT and other AI programs pose serious questions about companies' legal, privacy, data and security initiatives.
Due to the nature of its content, this on-demand program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Everyday operations for the past few years have been continually disrupted, keeping legal and compliance teams running after fires â often moving from one crisis to the next with legal being seen as responsible for managing these crises. How do the cumulative effects of living in a VUCA world impact the legal team and how do you build long-term endurance within the team so that turnover is ameliorated? How can we better prepare for the unpredictable? This session will address the subtle art of resolving conflict with the business by providing practical ideas, such as, using diplomacy and bringing your allies to the table.
Generously brought to you by ACC Europe
This program originally aired on June 8, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
This Webcast will identify governance, ethics and compliance responsibilities of directors and officers of entities in the constantly evolving healthcare space. Topics to be covered will include fiduciary responsibilities, oversight vs overstepping, delegation and reliance, identifying and addressing conflicts (and other ethical issues), compliance obligations and enforcement, and regulatory considerations associated with, among other things, referral relationships and marketing.
Generously sponsored byFoley & Lardner LLP
This program originally aired on June 20, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days, but what is it and how might it impact IP practice? This panel of in-house and outside counsel will discuss topics such as:
Generously sponsored by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Do you want to improve the impact you have on people, create highly productive working relationships and proactively lead through change? Knowing how to shift your focus from driving high-performance results to being an inspiring leader is the key to unleashing your leadership potential.
Join ACC Women In The House for the first Masterclass on âChoosing Conscious Leadership'; Leadership behaviours fit for the 21st century.
During this webinar session, Transformational Leadership Coach and author of The Conscious Lawyer, Kiran Scarr, will lead you through the following:
Panelist |
Do you want to free yourself from what's holding you back and entrust others to succeed? Shifting your mindset from âI am who I am' to âI can be who I want' gives the people around you permission to experiment, learn and grow. By freeing yourself, you entrust others to fulfil their highest potential.
Join ACC Women In The House for a final Masterclass on âChoosing Conscious Leadership'; Performance is learning.
During this webinar session, Transformational Leadership Coach and author of The Conscious Lawyer, Kiran Scarr, will lead you through the following:
Panelist |
Exits from Indian companies can be intricate transactions that require careful planning, preparation, and execution. In this Webcast, we will explore best practices and strategies for navigating the complexities of exits through public markets and M&A. We will discuss key considerations and challenges, lessons learned from successful deals, common mistakes to avoid, valuation techniques and current trends in the market, and tips and techniques for negotiating optimal results. This Webcast will provide valuable insights to help you optimize your exit strategy from direct and indirect Indian investments.
This program originally aired on August 10, 2023 Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Generously sponsored by Khaitan & Co.
The panel will discuss the top trending topics and things to know in IP law. The topics will cover a wide range of areas of interest for in-house counsel related to IP matters: from the latest developments in the law, to how to think about AI and the metaverse as, to dealing with the UPC and China, to how court transitions might affect your approach to IP protection.
This program originally aired on September 20, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Generously brought to you by ACC Intellectual Property Network
This is a sample master services agreement between a client company and a vendor company.
In the European Union, public procurement law is characterized by a myriad of idiosyncrasies and gray areas that should be closely analyzed before delving too deeply into any land development agreement. If deemed a public works contract, it may be subject to a compulsory tendering process, even if the local developer has assured you otherwise. Read this article to avoid rash decision-making that could potentially give your competitors the upper hand.
In-house counsel often function in multiple roles and can be asked for all kinds of advice — some legal, some business and some personal. This can make for a challenging ethical landscape. It is important for in-house counsel to review what they are ethically responsible for as legal professionals.
Much has been said of the expanded role that in-house counsel is now expected to carry out in public companies. Modern law departments must go beyond providing legal advice as needed, and are expected to collaborate directly and offer leadership to their board of directors. Learn how board governance has changed in the last 15 years and how in-house counsel must adapt.
New reporting requirements mandated by the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 were effective Jan. 1, 2010. Companies subject to the MMSEA must understand the new requirements or learn the hard way — a potential civil penalty of $1,000 for each day of noncompliance for each claimant. An absolute must-read, this detailed report includes MMSEA background information, and compliance guidelines and instructions.
With the booming growth of international business comes a boom in international business disputes. In-house lawyers for companies doing global business need skills in all aspects of international arbitration, including counseling, contracting, and the arbitral process. But they need to be aware that the international arbitration process involves procedures unfamiliar to most American lawyers. For example, court selection and arbitration clauses that are effective for domestic transactions do not work well in international deals. This HandsOn will offer you a guide to the key features of international arbitration law, and some tips on how to make your arbitration a success.
Armed with recent amendments to the statute that initially targeted contractors, the government has also recouped millions of dollars using the False Claims Act to battle healthcare fraud. But just what does that have to do with your company and its employees?
A discussion about transitioning from private practice to that of a corporate legal department.
The role of advocate is one of great responsibility and requires a strong understanding of what needs to be done in order to affect change. New laws and potential changes to existing laws impact in-house counsel's ability to work effectively. Alberto Gonzalez-Pita has been working, along with ACC, on behalf of the in-house community, and its ability to serve the client, for years.
This article addresses the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice's issuance of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Plan and Guidance in 2016 that includes a one-year pilot program to formally incentivize corporations to self-disclose potential FCPA issues, fully cooperate with DOJ in the investigation of those issues, and remediate any corruption issues identified in an internal investigation in the United States.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII).
If your company is involved in a merger, acquisition, or joint venture, and one of the businesses involved has activities in Europe, be careful. The European Union (EU) recently put into effect new and tougher rules governing mergers. We guide you through the maze of an EU competition review with this article.
With China's pending entry into the World Trade Organization, continued reports of software and internet music piracy in Asia, and the ease with which pirated goods can be trafficked via the internet, protection of intellectual property rights abroad should concern any company conducting business in China.
“Can we do it?” “Should we do it?” “How can we justify budgeting for it?” and “Can we rely on it?” are questions that your product development or marketing team may ask you prior to launching a product or service.
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