This program originally aired on May 3, 2023. Due to the nature of its content, this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented in partnership with Law Department Management Network and the Northeast Chapter:
Change is hard and as in-house counsel, you are pulled in many directions. Buy-in on anything from new technologies to new or improved processes often feels impossible. This course will remind you that sometimes you need to slow down to speed up. Adopting these process improvement disciplines will enable you and your team to efficiently move through the steps of identifying, analyzing, and improving existing processes. Then, change management techniques can help with communicating the impacts of those improvements to all those who are directly impacted in a way that that creates collective ownership of a new or improved process. When the right projects are identified and optimized, the right change management approach can be executed to influence the right people, lead to meaningful outcomes for the business and free up more time of your to engage on strategic matters.
In this program, attendees will:
This program originally aired on May 9, 2023. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
What are the potential ethical issues raised in the use of ChatGPT and other AI programs, and how do these intersect with companies' legal, privacy, data security, and code of conduct practices and concerns?
This program originally aired on Sept. 9, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
In the companion cases Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Univ. of North Carolina, the US Supreme Court recently held that race-based admissions practices in higher education are unconstitutional. Although the decision primarily deals with higher education, it also has potential implications for employers across all industries. Join us for a discussion on what those implications are, what we see for the future of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace and our recommendations for what employers should do to stay on top of this constantly shifting landscape.
Generously sponsored by Jackson Lewis
This program originally aired on September 26, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
After a six-year journey, India's digital personal data protection law has arrived. Corporate houses need to brace themselves to adapt to this brand new regime which seeks to balance individual privacy, with the growing data-driven needs of a digital business world. This session with Khaitan & Co will decode and discuss the various facets and the practical implications of the new regulation and shed light on some critical deviations from the GDPR standards.
Generously sponsored by Khaitan & Co.
This program originally aired on October, 12, 2022. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
In this Webcast, attendees will learn what Hospital at Home Is (spoiler alert: it is an approach to treatment that offers acute-level care to patients in their homes), why it makes sense, why now, and how a hospital at home program can be put in place. Attendees will also learn about the barriers to building a hospital at home program, practical and legal considerations in getting such programs up and running, and what the future of hospital at home looks like. The presenters for this webcast have been involved in the design and implementation of multiple hospital at home programs and will share their insights and answer questions.
Generously sponsored by Foley & Lardner LLP
This QuickCounsel presents the pros and cons of conducting business activities through the most popular forms, i.e., limited liability company, joint-stock company, limited partnership, limited joint-stock partnership, registered partnership and professional partnership in Poland.
In this QuickCounsel, we explain clauses and their existence in certain contracts that are usually based in informal social protocols or customs. We hope that this resource will help with drafting these clauses by providing examples and advice.
Much has been said of the expanded role that in-house counsel is now expected to carry out in public companies. Modern law departments must go beyond providing legal advice as needed, and are expected to collaborate directly and offer leadership to their board of directors. Learn how board governance has changed in the last 15 years and how in-house counsel must adapt.
New reporting requirements mandated by the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 were effective Jan. 1, 2010. Companies subject to the MMSEA must understand the new requirements or learn the hard way — a potential civil penalty of $1,000 for each day of noncompliance for each claimant. An absolute must-read, this detailed report includes MMSEA background information, and compliance guidelines and instructions.
With the booming growth of international business comes a boom in international business disputes. In-house lawyers for companies doing global business need skills in all aspects of international arbitration, including counseling, contracting, and the arbitral process. But they need to be aware that the international arbitration process involves procedures unfamiliar to most American lawyers. For example, court selection and arbitration clauses that are effective for domestic transactions do not work well in international deals. This HandsOn will offer you a guide to the key features of international arbitration law, and some tips on how to make your arbitration a success.
Outsourcing company services that require sensitive data to third parties does not relieve your organization of liability. Far from it — entrusting sensitive data to a vendor can increase your risk of a data breach and drive up the associated costs of the fallout. However, if you conduct due diligence and verify that your vendor can handle confidential information with care, you bolster your company’s defense if a breach occurs due to the vendor’s negligence.
A discussion about transitioning from private practice to that of a corporate legal department.
308 Whistle While You Work: Ethical, Fiduciary, & Other Dilemmas Facing Over-SOX'ed In-house Lawyers
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