CPD is available; A certificate of completion will be automatically provided upon completion of the course.
CLE credit may be granted in jurisdictions where self-filing is allowed. Please consult your jurisdiction for their self-file or independent study rules.
With Sustainability becoming an integral part of every company's business model and ESG being on the high-priority list of top management, in-house counsel should identify areas where they could carve-out a proactive role inside their organisations to contribute to their business longevity, in a context of constant evolution of legal and regulatory landscape.
CPD is available; A certificate of completion will be automatically provided upon completion of the course.
CLE credit may be granted in jurisdictions where self-filing is allowed. Please consult your jurisdiction for their self-file or independent study rules.
DE&I initiatives have big ambitions, but day-to-day work and organisational complicity can present challenges to driving meaningful and sustainable change. Our speakers will show what in-house legal teams are doing to build their DE&I programmes successfully, how they are measuring success, and what you could do to make your DE&I efforts more effective.
Generously brought to you by ACC Europe
CPD is available; A certificate of completion will be automatically provided upon completion of the course.
CLE credit may be granted in jurisdictions where self-filing is allowed. Please consult your jurisdiction for their self-file or independent study rules.
These days cyber-attacks and their prospective impact on personal (and business) data are viewed as a critical risk by most organisations. In-house legal teams need to be well equipped with data security governance skills, particularly with regards to cloud and other app's usage, to be able to mitigate the underlying risks and react accordingly under GDPR rules.
Generously brought to you by ACC Europe
In this Webcast, Mark Diamond and Tom Mighell from Contoural, along with Stacey Shaw from Careington, will discuss how organizations can create modern and more compliant records retention schedules that better handle both paper and especially electronic information. They will also cover how to privacy-enable your schedule.
This program originally aired on November 9, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
The employment relationship is a complex, rapidly changing area of the law. This survey program will cover the basics such as investigating internal complaints, responding to government investigations, addressing ADA and accommodation issues, managing overtime pay and FLSA classification compliance, handling leave issues, and avoiding retaliation claims. The course will also cover emerging issues such as social media, diversity programs, genetic information discrimination, and class action waivers.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of the domestic mining sector, its regulatory structure and ownership, the environment and health and safety. It covers foreign ownership and tax issues ans proposals for reform in India.
Negotiating a contract is a hybrid legal and business function that is often performed by business people with no formal legal education. During contract negotiations, different rules and obligations apply to a lawyer depending on whether the party on the other side of the table is represented by counsel. Learn about these rules so as not to be caught on the wrong end of a deal.
Something is clearly broken in big law. Despite the business imperative for diversity, law firms that corporations retain for significant issues just aren’t meeting the need to increase the number of diverse attorneys.
In this article, the use of bonds is a common feature of government contracts in Nigeria where the government wishes to ensure that persons who submit bids for such contracts have requisite technical and financial resources to perform their obligations thereunder.
This is a sample buyer purchase order terms and conditions.
International arbitration is a popular and well-known method of dispute resolution among in-house attorneys. What is not so well known are the tools and tactics needed to create successful resolutions. Read on and find the key facts of international arbitration.
By learning how to effectively manage third party subpoenas, in-house counsel can avoid the undue burden of fighting someone else’s legal battle.
Consumer product manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers take heed. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been among the most active government agencies in the last four years. Companies must be proactive to ensure regulatory compliance and to protect their brand. This article suggests means to proactively design an effective product safety and regulatory compliance program.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion), compiled from questions and responses posted on the Employment & Labor Forum, addresses whether the state of Georgia, in the United States, recognizes the validity of non-solicitation provisions.
The crime of fraud is considered a serious fraud if committed against government property or object of value. This may result in a serious punishment such as imprisonment.
The purpose of this plan is to provide a comprehensive Disaster Recovery-Business Continuity Plan (DRBC) for a company to minimize any impact upon continuity of services to customers or employees in the event of a “major business productivity breach.”
In-house counsel often function in multiple roles and can be asked for all kinds of advice — some legal, some business and some personal. This can make for a challenging ethical landscape. It is important for in-house counsel to review what they are ethically responsible for as legal professionals.
This is a sample code of business conduct and ethics policy.
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and a group of its members have developed this<br />Model Information Protection and Security Controls for Outside Counsel Possessing Company<br />Confidential Information (“Model Controls”) to help in-house counsel as they set expectations<br />with their outside vendors, including outside counsel, regarding the types of data security controls<br />these vendors should employ to protect their company ‘s confidential information. The Model<br />Controls provide a list of baseline security measures and controls some legal departments may<br />consider requiring from outside vendors. It is ACC’s hope that the Model Controls offer in-house<br />counsel a streamlined and consistent approach to setting expectations with respect to the data<br />security practices of their outside vendors.
The ability to effectively manage outside counsel is essential to the success of in-house lawyers. Learn tips on selecting, evaluating, comparing, and retaining the outside counsel that best suit the organizational needs of your company. Develop lists of providers and criteria for preferred legal service providers and specialized firms, implement alternative billing models, and use legal project and process management techniques with your outside counsel to streamline your engagements.
While the world is undoubtedly complex, any cross-border scenario can be properly managed with acute attention from the legal department.
Model Controls for Outside Counsel Possessing Company Confidential Information.
The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and a group of its members have developed this Model Information Protection and Security Controls for Outside Counsel Possessing Company Confidential Information (“Model Controls”) to help in-house counsel as they set expectations with their outside vendors, including outside counsel, regarding the types of data security controls these vendors should employ to protect their company ‘s confidential information. The Model Controls provide a list of baseline security measures and controls some legal departments may consider requiring from outside vendors. It is ACC’s hope that the Model Controls offer in-house counsel a streamlined and consistent approach to setting expectations with respect to the data security practices of their outside vendors.
What strategies and resources are needed for developing a legal department? What do you do first to set up a legal function? How do you get a seat at the table and stay there? How do you communicate with management? How do you get your piece of the budget pie and how do you control your costs? What tools/resources do you need? Where can you go for help? Learn practical strategies and pointers from this panel of legal experts who focus on how to build and maintain a legal department.
After many years in the information M2M governance space and talking to literally hundreds — if not thousands — of corporate employees tasked with overseeing or participating in
their organizations’ initiatives, the resounding reply from them is, “There is no budget!” Rarely is this the absolute truth.
With ediscovery sanctions up 271 percent, it is critical for all organizations to implement an effective and airtight legal hold process. Be sure to avoid antiquated practices that lack a holistic approach, focusing instead on an integrated legal hold solution. After all, come litigation, the last thing you want to discover is that you’re not prepared for ediscovery.
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