Is negotiation a science or an art? In-house counsel are increasingly involved in deals requiring them to apply a structured approach to this skill. This interactive session will help participants evaluate strategic options when negotiating and will explain the techniques which can be used to increase the probability of success.
Mandatory Data Breach Notification - session held in Sydney 22 November 2016.
The relationship between regulatory and business lawyers can be contentious in the United States and other countries. The rapport between the two in Australia is generally more collaborative.
This interview with Therese Lee, global ethics & compliance counsel at Google, Inc., focuses on her travels, her anti-bribery checklist, and overall, how she manages her compliance program.
As Director – Legal Services, Asia Pacific SYMANTEC, Michael Helmer must lead his team of attorneys on the corporate field. Learn what characteristics he believes allow his legal team to function successfully at a high level.
Learn about the profile and practice of fellow in-house counsel Isabel Waida, vice president and associate general counsel for Nuance Communications, a Burlington, Massachusetts-based software company that specializes in voice-recognition technology. It’s appropriate that a polyglot — she speaks six languages — landed at a corporation that is making it easier to communicate.
ACC's Comment to the ABA on their proposed in-house counsel registration rule.
This presentation highlights key results from ACC's 2024 Chief Legal Officers Survey and offers 12 reasons why CLOs need direct access to the CEO and the organization's board.
804 How to Respond to a Government Investigation/Inquiry: The First 30 Days. This discussion covers important topics such as protecting applicable privileges, dealing with letters of investigation, and more.
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