Robert Half Legal's best career advice for surviving and even thriving at the upcoming holiday festivities.
A sample compensation and leadership development committee charter. Sets forth the purpose, membership requirements, duties and responsibilities of the compensation and leadership development committee.
Early BIM demonstration projects have achieved savings of around 20% in the construction phase, some projects are expected to make a 33% cost savings over the life of the project and future projects are targeting even greater savings. Read more about BIM in this article.
Over the past decade, with the pressure to cut costs wherever possible, many legal departments continue to rely on a smaller core group of external firms to help achieve higher levels of business performance. Often termed 'convergence,' these and related strategies allow greater accountability for results and greater efficiency from dealing with fewer outside firms, particularly as each panel firm gets to know your organization better. As this trend continues, however, of the hidden problems of convergence is gradually beginning to emerge. Some companies beginning to find that even their preferred law firms' 'other' offices may fail to measure up the high standards of the main office with whom you had been used to dealing with and on which, in truth, your original selection process might mostly have concentrated.
This is a sample independent contractor services agreement.
The apparent pluses of outsourcing are cost efficiencies, preservation of time and speed of services. But a CLO must weigh the positives with the negatives.
This article contains tips that will help you to keep your spirits up and manage a challenging situation while preparing for better opportunities in the future.
A review of reorganization procedures under Brazilian bankruptcy law.
This article shows how requiring admissions of wrongdoing in settlement may have broad-reaching consequences, very much akin to a finding of liability after trial in any civil fraud action.
The significant changes in the GCC during the last few years have seen an increased interest on the part of local businesses for engaging with international partners. The cultural differences can impact upon the progress and success of any business venture if not properly understood and accepted, along with the legal interplay between common law and the regional civil law systems. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of governing law and the forum for dispute resolution.
The Guidelines provide details and guidance on policy implementation, including identification of appropriate certified or recognized standards by nationally-recognized, third party organizations, exemptions, performance standards for equipment, information on safer chemical handling and cleaning procedures, and other pertinent information.
This article considers how Target’s entry into Canada will impact collective bargaining rights. Target’s entry into Canada was made possible, in part, by its decision to acquire lease-hold interests that Zellers, Inc. previously held. Target successfully established that it was primary acquiring Zellers for its lease rights, and not for its assets or goodwill. This article details the court case that led to this outcome and notes what this could mean as a business strategy for other corporations.
Written Testimony
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
"Examining Approaches to Corporate Fraud Prosecutions and the Attorney-Client
Privilege Under the McNulty Memorandum"
October 18, 2007
Provides tips on how to re-wire your company to make it more compliant and ethical in it's daily business practices.
This material focuses on how to speak to and with your business partner- the corporate client. Read more scenarios and answers to questions that arise in your corporate counsel role.
Read this 2008 Magnum Opus Award-winning column!<br/>Bob Feldman addresses the need to recognize the type of contract you are dealing with and fully understand the "canned" clauses.
Dr. Ray Kurzweil coined the theory known as the "Law of Accelerating Returns," especially applicable to technology. In this article, find out how this theory applies to the job of in-house counsel.
Chart informing readers on the duties and responsibilities of a compensation and leadership development committee
12.21.17 CLO Sign-on to California Bar
Transactional legal opinions, whether for financings, mergers and acquisitions or securities deals, require lawyers to draft tens of pages to opine on matters that take half a page. Why the assumptions? Why the qualifications? Why the trouble? The panel will review and discuss standard structures to legal opinions, what to request when you are the addressee and what to avoid when drafting. Should in-house lawyers provide opinions? What deals should you never opine on? The panel will give its opinion on opinions to further your opinion.
This article navigates the challenges of Chinese acquisitions of United States insurers.
Simplifying legals, identifying and reducing inefficiency in legal processes using lean theory - presentation held in Brisbane 13 July 2017.
Finding and keeping skilled and enthusiastic in-house counsel for your legal department can be difficult. Career paths are ever-changing and the skills your company might need evolve as well. In this article, learn how to develop connections within the legal world to cultivate and keep top talent.
Karen Redford discusses the advantages and disadvantages of working in a small law department, plus strategies for career advancement and management.
This is a sample promissory note between a company and payee.
This is a sample non-disclosure agreement between two companies.
This article addresses how the CFO-GC alliance has always been important because the finance function and the legal function are truly the nervous system of the corporation—sending critical signals to all parts of the company about the accuracy of the financials and compliance with law.
Switzerland has a civil law legal system, at the crossroads between Germanic and French legal traditions. The organization of the Swiss legal and judicial system reflects the political and federalist structure of Switzerland. Civil procedure is primarily regulated by the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (SCCP), which entered into force on 1 January 2011. It provides a unified set of rules regulating civil procedure. The SCCP aimed to eliminate these obstacles by unifying the civil procedural laws. It largely draws on existing cantonal codes, particularly those of the Swiss-German cantons. This article first sets out the legal framework applicable to civil procedure in Switzerland. It then presents the judicial organization in Switzerland and, finally, addresses selected issues of Swiss civil procedure.
With the AIFMD now in force, we thought it would be helpful to cover some of the questions we are frequently being asked across all of Ashurst's offices.
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