Which scenarios should a company investigate and which should it ignore? Who should conduct the investigation? What should the goals be? How should interviews be conducted? This evaluation is a mix of practical and legal considerations. The session will analyse the numerous aspects to be taken into account when facing an alleged violation of internal policies or local law.
This is a sample general conveyance, bill of sale and assignment agreement.
Law firm respond to suggestions of poor customer service differently. This article describes one hypothetical possibility.
Check out this 2014 Communicator Award-winning column! The author discusses the importance of being realistic and pragmatic about dangers and probabilities instead of anticipating the rare, colossal corporate slip-up.
Battle of the Exes. Blurred Lines in the employment relationship - presentation held in Melbourne 26 September 2017.
Maryrose Delahunty reminds us to shed our mental baggage when we travel.
Columnist Bill Mordan explains why genuine well-being trumps the quest for happiness.
The author discusses the differences between counterproductive generosity and unintended altruism.
When behavior or actions are not in line with espoused values, it is next to impossible to lead. The author discusses how to lead with integrity.
The #MeToo movement impacts everyone in the workplace. Here are a few tips to understand and incorporate policy into your current environment.
Kenneth Cutshaw discusses whether or not the recent critiques of the outsourcing industry are justified.
This is a sample copyright license form for use of property.
This is a model military/uniformed services leave policy.
This is a sample code of conduct regarding suppliers and vendors of a company.
A sample engagement letter from outside counsel.
This is a sample letter of intent to purchase real estate.
his article contains stress-managment tips for any attorney to aid them in getting through the holidays and the pressures of looming end-of-year deadlines
This is a sample agreement between a hotel and client.
Dealing effectively with a crisis requires organizational readiness for almost any eventuality. This program will promote preparedness, enhanced decision-making and institutional integrity. Using polling devices, attendees will navigate their way through a number of crisis scenarios, focusing on the role of in-house counsel. The session will highlight best practices in crisis management planning, assembling the crisis management team, stakeholder relations, fact-finding and internal investigations, preserving evidence, communication and litigation in multiple jurisdictions. The scenarios will also address the tensions that sometimes exist between “business” and “legal.” Panelists, including a crisis management expert, will offer their perspectives as we work through each scenario. You will receive access to sample crisis management protocol documents that you can then customize. The presentation will cover MRPC 1.13, 1.1, MRCP 3 and sub-rules for ethics credit.
Getting Away from the Hourly Rate - Ready Set Go Part 4
This is a sample list of lease issues that occur in real estate due diligence in mergers and acquisitions transactions.
An experienced panel of experts will provide a summary of the highlights in labor and employment law thus far in 2015, and benchmarking on practical solutions related to trending issues.
This Management Report provides an overview of discussion results from ACC’s Law Department
Executive Leadership session entitled, “Global Law Departments, Alternative Fee Structures & Value,”
held in Boston on October 19, 2009.
This is a sample company anti-corruption policy.
Corporate transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, sales, spinoffs, and joint ventures, are becoming increasingly common across industries. These transactions have significant workforce implications. Leading your company through myriad labor and employment issues that will come up throughout a transaction is a crucial role. Spotting issues is critical; missing them is consequential. This panel of experts will address strategic considerations and hidden liabilities with regard to deal structure, benefit plans, unionized workforces, and other crucial labor and employment issues.
This is a sample consulting agreement between a Delaware corporation and an independent contractor.
This informative due diligence checklist provides a suggested process for gathering information, verifying facts and assessing risks associated with IP assets in a transaction.
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