This is a sample letter of intent regarding international transportation service.
A sample engagement letter from in-house counsel to outside counsel.
This is a sample conflict provision for use when contracting with outside counsel.
This is a technology helpdesk for lawyers regarding Outlook.
This resource, extracted from the ACC Webcast "Global Privacy for Trade Associations," presented on June 12, 2014, includes a checklist of key issues that nonprofit organizations should consider when dealing with cybersecurity.
Technology Planning Charter
Last year, the Shanghai High People's Court rendered final judgment on an antitrust dispute between two Johnson & Johnson subsidiaries in China and their former distributor in Beijing. The judgment, which overturned a lower court ruling, held that the two subsidiaries were liable for damages resulting from attempts to enforce a vertical monopoly agreement against the distributor. As the first antitrust judgment relating to vertical monopoly agreements in China, the case signals the stance of the Chinese courts towards vertical trade restraints and provides guidance for future cases.
This sample includes a checklist of actions when preparing for an inspection by OSHA.
Many corporate leaders are asked to serve on nonprofit Boards or decide to form and operate charitable organizations, but even a simple error can have significant adverse legal and financial consequences for the corporation and even the individual director. This program will cover some of the more common legal issues impacting 501(c)(3) organizations, as well as the ethical issues facing in-house corporate counsel, including MCRP 1.13 on ethics. These issues affect both counsel who may be asked to advise the charitable organization, or the individuals asked to serve on the board.
The mobility of the workforce can be a downright menace for companies whose competitive edge depends on proprietary information, and whose doesn’t these days? If you think an employee agreement is sufficient protection against your client’s trade secrets walking out the door with departing employees, you may be wrong. David A. Schwab, of Medshares Management Group shares his secrets for preventing proprietary information from decamping to competitors.
In light of recent state-level trends, businesses have begun exploring avenues to assist employees in states with restrictive abortion laws with travel to nearby states to receive abortion services. In implementing these programs, employers should consider the various ERISA and tax code-related provisions that may impact design.
his article was published by Seyfarth Shaw LLP on May 13, 2022.
This is a sample employment, confidential information and invention assignment agreement, under which a new employee assigns the right, title, and interest in and to inventions and other intellectual property items that the employee may conceive, develop or reduce to practice during the employment period.
Lean Forward...and Beyond
This resource provides a list of acceptable and unacceptable questions for interviewing potential employees.
Legal Technology Survey Summary Results Excel
This material contains a link to the Marsh & McLennan Companies Code of Conduct (in multiple languages).
This collection of survey data is based on respondents to several ACC surveys, including the 2011 ACC/Corpedia Benchmarking Survey on Compliance Programs and Risk Assessments.
Respondents to ACC’s 2013 Chief Legal Officers Survey and 2011 ACC/Corpedia Benchmarking Survey on Compliance Programs and Risk Assessments offer their take on the impact of social media and what compliance and ethics risk areas are a high priority.
Respondents to several surveys, including ACC’s Chief Legal Officers (CLO) 2013 Survey – Canada and the 2011 ACC/Corpedia Benchmarking Survey on Compliance Programs and Risk Assessments, discuss ethics training, measuring success and containing legal costs. <br />
This checklist presents key considerations for preparing and responding to environmental disasters.
This is a technology helpdesk for lawyers regarding Adobe Acrobat.
A checklist of 12 steps for global in-house counsel to consider for the first hours of responding to a data breach.
Discuss proxy season results and what is on the horizon for next season (including new proposals and proposals which have passed). Gain insight into and an understanding of the trends in proxy drafting. Examine new developments in proxy access. Analyze and understand ISS and Glass Lewis guidelines and trends. Receive practical guidance regarding managing shareholder engagement and shareholder activism. Review and explore other related items such as ways to increase quorum, European trends and environmental and social issues.
The expectations on Legal teams have changed dramatically over the last decade. From protecting reputation and delivering meaningful compliance programmes through to creating competitive advantage and driving efficiency through innovation. How can legal leaders create the dynamic for their teams to deliver across such a challenging landscape. Our panelists will discuss a range of experience that can deliver lasting strategic benefits and influence cultural change.
Did you know that in Quebec students are not required to earn an undergraduate degree before applying to law school? Read on to learn more about Quebec.
Respondents to several surveys, including the 2013 Chief Legal Officer Survey and the 2011 ACC/Corpedia Benchmarking Survey on Compliance Programs and Risk Assessments, report on pro bono programs and anonymous reporting systems.
This collection of survey data is based on respondents to the 2010 ACC/Serengeti Managing Outside Counsel Survey, ACC’s 2011 Census Report, and more.
ACCA's Statement on In-house Counsel's Appropriate Role in Ensuring Corporate Responsibility. This statement is intended to underscore ACCA members' core values as representatives of organizational clients post-Enron.
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