This article examines the issues with existing regulatory regime for, under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Unfair Contract Terms (UCTs) in Australia and how the Treasury released its Regulation Impact Statement for Decision, titled ‘Enhancements to Unfair Contract Term Protections’. The aim of the Impact Statement and related proposals is to make UCTs and unreasonable contracts unlawful.
ACC Letter Swiss Civil Code 6.11.18 English
This article sheds light on the advantages of working in-house compared to working for a law firm from the perspective of a lawyer in Brazil.
Foreign relocation agreement in which the company defines allowances and expenses to be made to the relocated employee, employee benefits, tax assistance, and other considerations.
This document sets out a process by which the parties to a services agreement can request and agree changes to the services. The process is intended to give the customer flexibility to require changes and to ensure that the full impact of any proposed change is assessed and formally documented.
In December's Business Ethics column, Jim Nortz opines on the hidden underpinnings of motivation.
This is a sample mutual confidentiality agreement between two companies.
Learn how to leverage your role as in-house counsel by working with your companies policies on decision-approval and structural organisation.
In ACC Docket's September Issue, Business Ethics Columnist James A. Nortz discusses precarious legal issues surrounding of mergers and acquisitions.
This is a sample confidentiality agreement between two companies in which each proposes to disclose and provide to the other certain confidential information concerning colon cancer detection.
A strategic alliance of 3 law firms anchored in mid-sized cities collaborate on litigation to lower cost. This Value Practice resource details how the BWI Alliance delivers value.
This summary of the steps to and advantages of early and periodic case assessments provides useful insights for those with either limited or broad exposure to the process.
This is a sample creative rights agreement.
Increasing cybersecurity attacks and fast-evolving data privacy and security law mean there's so much more data for in-house legal departments to track. Learn how to gauge a "reasonable" data security request and integrate that into your work.
The full report for the 2010 Small Law Department Compensation Survey has been published and is currently available for purchase. The survey was developed and conducted by Empsight International, LLC, a publisher of compensation surveys in select markets in association with the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). The survey provides a comprehensive overview of compensation and other human resources practices as they apply to smaller in-house law departments. In this case smaller is defined as departments having 10 or fewer attorneys and revenues of $3 billion or less.
The Wyndam Worldwide Corporation law department's use of an extranet to facilitate communication wth outside counsel and manage legal matters is detailed in this Value Practice resource.
Advice for working mothers considering a career break.
This case law deals with a white employee who brought action against employer and union challenging legality of plan for on-the-job training which mandated a one-for-one quota for minority workers admitted to the program.
This is a sample lease agreement with landlord being a limited liability company.
This article discusses a 2014 court decision in the United Kingdom about who is liable for remedial work costs to correct errors made in product construction: the contractor or the employer?
While there a number of similarities between California’s CCPA and the European Union’s General Data Protection Requirements (GDPR), there are also a number of differences. This is an article providing an overview of these details.
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UN CISG) objectives include the promotion of international trade and removal of legal barriers for trade. In this article, the UN CISG's mission and scope are defined against the backdrop of the current pandemic.
This presentation outlines and explains key highlights and practical issues pertaining to commercial agencies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.
ACC Comments to Wisconsin re: pro bono
This is a sample services agreement involving a company and independent contractor.
Description of the Boeing Corporation's Law Department Compensation and Promotion Process
This article discusses the types of trusts, provisions of the trust deed, special features of the trust, trustees and fees and disbursements in the Cayman Islands.
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