This program will provide a broad overview of the privacy laws and requirements in key global jurisdictions with a focus on data and security concerns. Learn the fundamentals of global privacy law, including enforcement under the EU Privacy Directive, the APEC Framework and recent proposals for a US framework to supplement the current federal and state sectoral approach. This session will also emphasize key issues in the context of new media.
This presentation covers the Dood-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Clawback Restrictions, clawbacks linked to non-compensation restrictive covenants, clawbacks linked to non-solicitation restrictive covenants, and special financial institutions' clawbacks or forfeiture provisions.
How do you protect your company from IP theft? What is a trade secret and how do you protect it? What laws are applicable to trade secrets? How do you protect them? What do you do if you think they’ve been misappropriated? If they have been misappropriated, what if it’s by an employee? This course provides a basic introduction to law governing the protection of IP, with a focus on trade secrets.
How to move away from a "check the box" approach to due diligence, and target your efforts to focus in on the areas of highest risk. The program will include an update on the latest settlements, deferred prosecution agreements and case law regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Every company inevitably either knowingly or inadvertently will do business with an entity that is in financial distress. How do you plan to do business with a financially troubled company? What legal steps can be taken to ensure performance by such a company? What actions can be taken to ensure payment or performance under an agreement with a distressed company? Will your client be liable for a preference recovery upon payment by a company that ultimately files for bankruptcy? Or is your client interested in acquiring assets from a company in financial distress? How do you assist your client in structuring such an acquisition? The panel will discuss the waterfront of issues covering business transactions with a distressed company.
A presentation covering the finer points of the 'whistleblower' provision of Dodd-Frank.
Faculty will discuss the various methods for real property owners (or long term tenants) use to generate revenue from their real property with non-traditional uses. These uses may include installation of solar/wind or other energy collection devices, cell towers, satellite and data transmission equipment, ATM machines, etc. This program will also address particular problems that you need to anticipate when considering these uses of your real estate, including landlord/tenant issues, permit/code issues and health safety issues.
This program will explore what companies are required under SEC guidance, or may soon be required (by regulation or consumer demand), to disclose regarding how much carbon their products have generated, the chemicals used in their products, the origin of product materials and the well-being of the workers making their products. This may soon be required of the entire supply chain for products.
Overview of FTC rules and cases related to social media and online advertising.
Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) have been on the top of the agenda
for management and in-house counsel during the last years and trade compliance may or may not be getting the attention merited by the current complexities of this area of law. This session material will bring more clarity to the current status and provide concrete recommendations for your daily
An overview of developments in privacy law, including protecting consumer personal identifiable information, a primer of federal and state data privacy law, practical measures to limit exposure before a security breach occurs, and what to do when a data breach actually happens.
An overview of clauses in M&A agreements that can cause problems, including assignment, merger/integration, forum selection, governing law, specific performance, survival of representations and warranties, waiver of jury trial, severability, and notice.
An overview of legal ethics issues in a digital environment, including a review of ethics issues in social media, the digital attorney-client privilege, and ABA opinions on digital communication.
Acquire prescriptive guidance on how you can take a proactive role in minimizing the risk that possible violations of securities laws are occurring undetected or that a whistleblower is prepared to contact the SEC.
This material covers the typical issues that foreign investors face in Brazil, such as joint venture agreements, acquisitions, labor agreements and foreign investment rules.
This session provides training on the sentencing guidelines and other criteria used to measure compliance programs, including a comparison with the standards of COSO, OECD and the Adequate Procedures guidelines under the UK Bribery Act. The program will provide practical advice on the design, implementation and enhancement of compliance and ethics programs.
This materials is an update on recent case law and important practical steps you can take in your daily practice to protect against waiver.
Learn how to go about creating a contracts playbook for your organization, from establishing core templates to creating fallback language for your internal business partners and for outside counsel. Learn to create legal talking points for non-lawyers and get started on this useful project to save your organization time and money, and optimize use of internal and external counsel by reducing the need for communication on routine contract matters.
Due diligence is the cornerstone of M&A practice, but conducting efficient due diligence requires striking a balance between the near-term negotiation of the acquisition agreement and and the longer-term, post-closing integration of the companies. This program will provide you with the tips and practice pointers necessary to run an efficient due diligence process.
Learn why corporate form is important for environmental sustainability as well as traditional economic goals. Uncover the realities based on the California and Delaware Corporations Codes and case law beyond the marketing and PR interpretation dominating the press.
Learn how to train employees on traditional antitrust violations, including privilege issues that arise during training, as well as more subtle compliance questions involving collaborations with rivals.
It's been another busy year in employment law! Come hear what's new -- and what challenges your organization now faces -- in the expanding laws and regulations governing the workplace. The focus will be on US employment law, but the speakers will be sure to cover any hot cross-border issues.
Learn how social media affects health care providers, group practices, pharmaceutical and medical devices companies. Discover what technology is used in the hospital and health care settings, and be advised of new guidance provided by the FDA with regard to social media.
Learn to have productive conversations with your IT department when acquiring new IT assets.
This material provides you with various intellectual property tools, attributes of different types of IP, emerging issues checklists and issue-spotting checklists and best practices.
Learn about the current and evolving IP landscape in China, and explore the reasons for the recent growth in IP protection and cases started in China.
Learn the legal theories, forensic techniques and technical information that will enable your self-insured company to investigate and pursue claims seeking reimbursement for these incurred losses on an extremely cost-effective basis, with virtually no out-of-pocket exposure or expense.
This material covers environmental laws that affect multinational companies in the US and the EU, and uncover suggested approaches and best practices to ensure that your company is compliant on both sides of the Atlantic. Panelists provide best practices and case studies, including sample compliance programs.
Learn how to manage an electric power construction project as you provide legal advice and support to the project manager and other internal stakeholders.
In the current construction climate, there are few low-risk, low-cost ways to enhance financial performance. One proven method is to increase the rate of payment on projects; yet many otherwise successful construction industry players are achieving less than optimal recovery. Learn how businesses can adjust internal practices to increase, potentially dramatically, the real value of their lien and bond portfolios while reducing legal risk. Explore balancing the use of outside counsel and in-house resources, adopting effective mechanisms to capture and process critical information and realizing efficient and cost-effective enforcement.
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