These Online Social Media Principles have been developed to help empower associates to participate in the new frontier of marketing and communications, represent the Company.
In today’s globalized society, it is increasingly common for businesses to litigate disputes across international borders. This raises the potential hurdle of a judgment issuing in one jurisdiction, while the assets of the debtor are located in another jurisdiction. Canada is generally considered a cooperative jurisdiction in which to enforce a judgment. This article explains how to enforce foreign judgments against assets in Canada.
Canada's Bill C-27 updates Canada's federal private sector privacy law (PIPEDA), and re-works the Digital Charter Implementation Act (C-11). This article summarizes details of the new bill and highlights and compares certain provisions with C-11.
In spite of the close economic relationship between the United States and Canada, there are a number of cases every year in which US companies have broken Canadian law, largely due to misunderstandings about those significant differences between the US and Canadian legal systems. This article discusses the need to strategically plan in advance as a means of avoiding such misconceptions and mistakes.
Amendments to the Canadian Patent Act and enactment of the Certificate of Supplementary Protection Regulations flowing from the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement introduced a new framework in Canada for the issuance of Certificates of Supplementary Protection (CSPs).
This chart compare key aspects of the two regimes, Canada's and the EU's.
These guidelines have been developed for all to follow whenever contributing to online social computing platforms where there are references to or a potential impact on the corporation.
As of July 2014, a new agreement between Canada and the United States will require Canadian financial institutions to implement procedures to share sensitive information about their US clients with the Canada Revenue Agency.
This article relates to the case Tervita Corp. v. Canada (Commissioner of Competition) in which the Supreme Court of Canada considered, for the first time, the analytical framework for prevention of competition cases and the statutory efficiency defense.
An ACC online survey reveals in-house counsel’s professional challenges, future career plans, social media habits and more. The results provide intriguing insights into the work lives of corporate counsel around the globe.
This article discusses a number of decisions which offer guidelines for employers with respect to the implementation of drug and alcohol testing policies in Canada.
The Minister of Natural Resources introduced legislation on Thursday, January 30, 2014 that would see important changes to Canada’s offshore oil and gas regime. The Energy Safety and Security Act (the Act) contains amendments to the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act and the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, along with the federal Accord Acts governing exploration and production offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Canadian market is an exciting opportunity for international investment, and many sectors are seeing employment with international companies as the new normal in Canada. This article discusses a few critical considerations for any employer entering the Canadian landscape.
A brief overview on the Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. v. Cobalt Pharmaceuticals Co., 2014 FCA 17 (Novartis) case.
Currently, the three most popular social networking online tools are LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Here are some suggestions for how you can best use these sites to enhance your job search.
This article provides a brief overview of ACC’s Guide to the ACC Value Challenge in Europe, a new online resource that addresses the concerns of corporate counsel in Europe.
Kenneth Fredeen, general counsel of Deloitte Canada and one of the signatories of the Legal Leaders for Diversity program, discusses the role of general counsel, its potential, and its tendency to be misunderstood and sometimes undervalued within an organization.
This check card is a printable resource with practical reminders of the dos and don'ts of sending commercial electronic communications under Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL).
This article discusses Canada's 2014 Anti-Spam Law that requires both for-profit and nonprofit organizations to obtain "express consent" from recipients in Canada before sending commercial electronic messages.
This article discusses the real issues related to litigating aboriginal and treaty rights cases in Canada.
This is an effective evaluation loan agreement under the jurisdiction of Canada
Because of the increased presence of the internet in everyone’s daily lives, a need has emerged for government authorities to respond to the unique challenges of a digital world. Accordingly, this article provides an overview of the Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, the world’s first regulator dedicated to online safety.
This is a card-size printable resource with practical tips for the dos and don'ts of protecting personal information under Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
This article is about The World Bank Institute and two partners planning to develop a free online platform for companies to report on sustainability across their global supply chains.
In this quick overview, in-house counsel will learn about different regulations in the new trade agreement, USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement).
This report presents results on a subset of respondents from the Association of Corporate Counsel Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 2014 Survey, published in January 2014. More than 1,200 individuals in 41 countries who serve as the organization's chief legal officer or general counsel (referred to as CLO in this report) participated in this survey to provide a global outlook of CLOs worldwide. This report provides results and analysis of respondents from Canada, as well as demographic information, such as staffing, budget changes and revenue, while also exploring intangibles, such as CLOs' top legal and business concerns for the past 12 months and their anticipations for the future.
This is an online tutorial to help train your employees; publications to address particular data security challenges; and news releases, blog posts, and guidance to help you identify – and possibly prevent – pitfalls.
The USTR Report raises concerns related to IP protection, enforcement and market access in 41 countries. Canada has recently been placed on the Report’s “Watch List” for its mistreatment of pharmaceutical patents. This article explains the reasons for this placement and suggests ways that Canada can reform its existing practices.
This Update concerns a measure proposed in Canada’s federal budget for 2014, tabled by the Minister of Finance on February 11, 2014 (Budget 2014), relating to treaty shopping that may affect private equity (PE) funds investing in Canada through treaty-based holding companies.
Check out this article by Foley & Lardner in response to an unprecedented move by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) detailing a warning letter sent to, Inc. (Amazon), a fulfillment house, with respect to distributing over-the-counter (OTC) drug products that are in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act).
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