This brief overview outlines the general legal framework regarding cookies used on the websites in Poland. It focuses mainly on the aspects concerning the requirements of providing sufficient information to the user in a manner described in the legal provisions, as well as obtaining the user's consent to the use of cookies on the websites they enter.
If your client’s marketing department is hot to sell advertising spots on your corporation’s brand new website, you need this 12-step program, covering issues from the tax consequences of merchandise sold on the Internet to privacy concerns.
This paper will outline some of the major areas where employee off-duty conduct intersects with the workplace, and the current “rules of the road” employers must be aware of when considering discipline or termination in such circumstances.
In a simpler time, defending your company typically meant slogging
through litigation. Your adversary is now a self-appointed cyberspace vigilante. On the internet, the juiciest material doesn’t come from the networks or newspapers, it comes from one of over 70 million internet blogs and user-created websites. It comes from individuals who post whatever they
The court-supervised reorganization of corporations introduced by the Brazilian Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law (LRF) arose in order to lower credit risk and achieve greater reductions in interests accrued on financial loans. However, little has been said about the fact that the LRF has introduced several capital market protection mechanisms, which is discussed in this article.
A list of resources and a brief description of materials and websites with information on relationships with outside counsel.
Learn about key EU and national public procurement regulations, in this multi-jurisdictional guide.
A brief arguing that the lower court erred when it instructed the jury that a corporate defendant could be held criminal responsible for the conduct of a single low-level employee even if he or she acted in direct contravention of corporate policy and a robust compliance program.
Small legal departments can recruit and retain diverse counsel through simple outreach steps, programs, and websites detailed in this article. Not only can you enrich your department with diversity, but also you can improve your client’s bottom line by bringing new perspectives to the table.
A template letter notifying an eCommerce platform that protected IP is being sold on their website without the permission of the IP owner.
This is a sample response letter in reply to a claim that a photo on a company's website infringes a copyright, such as a claim from a copyright troll.
Check out the resources on the website of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding background checks on potential employees.
This interactive session will take participants through a case study involving a traditional business trying to compete with a disruptive online competitor. Faculty will guide attendees to identify ways in which the traditional business could use disruptive technology in its own operations and will focus on the legal issues that the traditional business must resolve to migrate to more innovative service offerings. Key issues discussed will include: How can the traditional business learn from its disruptive competitors to become more flexible? What regulatory issues could impact the transformed business? Is the new business proposition lawful? What is the applicable legal framework for the business? How will the traditional business implement the new arrangements (i.e., can the transformation be carried out in-house or will external resources be required)? What will be the key legal challenges in the operation of the transformed business?
904 - End It Before It Begins: Litigation Prevention in Today’s Business Environment
It is important that legal team resources be focused on strategic and revenue generating opportunities. How can the legal department align their resources to risk and growth? If these resources are viewed in terms of a pyramid, a number of options are presented for servicing clients. We will explore considerations to outsourcing higher volume, lower- risk work to free up resources.
In this multi-country guide, learn about key laws regarding insurance and insurers in a wide range of jurisdictions. This resource was originally published on the website of CMS on January 31, 2023, and last updated May 19, 2023.
In this quick overview for in-house counsel, learn about the basics of blockchain and what key legal and practical aspects in-house counsel should consider: What blockchain is, why it is important, what industries will be impacted, which companies are leaders, what role the legal department can play, and what questions in-house counsel can ask to mitigate risks and help guide business decisions regarding blockchain with a global perspective.
How many times have you reviewed outside counsel invoices in shock at just how much two firm lawyers can cost? Do you find yourself wondering, 'Why do things have to be this way, and can I do anything else to lower the bills?' In the first installment of this three-part series, the author examines what it is about law firm organization and culture that truly drives up costs, and lays the foundation for the tools to revamp your relationship with your outside counsel that are discussed in parts two and three.
Visit ACC's curated collection of resources regarding global sanctions. A selection of resources from the ACC library and third-party websites, providing insight regarding sanctions and implications of the conflict for global businesses.
In this article concerning corporate governance, questions are answered such as: What should executive directors know? What should outside directors know? What systems should they set up for better enterprise risk management? How can chairs create a balance against imperial CEOs? Can lead or senior directors create sufficient balance? Should most outside directors understand the business? How much time should they spend on the function? How independent must they be? What about diversity? Should their pay be lower? What are the stewardship responsibilities of shareholders?
International trademark classification, and the headings of the international trademark classes, are established by the Committee of Experts of the Nice Union and set forth in the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks(Nice Classification) published annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) on its website.
This brief article provides ten tips for in-house counsel to consider when evaluating e-discovery software or services when evaluating opportunities in the United States and globally.
This article briefly discusses the necessity for lawyers to have an appropriate level of financial and accounting knowledge in order to understand and articulate financial principles.
This resource was originally published on the website of Eversheds Sutherland on September 13, 2023.
Afraid of the quagmire called ERISA? This article will help allay your fears. It includes a primer for the novice, compliance details, hot topics, and websites galore to bookmark.
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