The new competition law, which applies equally to PRC and non-PRC entities alike, goes into effect August 2008. Read Ms. Chalmers article which covers the scope, implications, and enforcement of this law.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn about employer/employee rights, privacy and security issues in workplaces throughout Europe and the Middle East. This resource was published by Meritas in 2018.
This resource contains information and recommendations on the socially responsible view of 'green lease clauses'.
Situated in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is a top location for data centers and cloud services. In Switzerland, privacy and data protection are respected both by law and in practice. Learn more about why Switzerland is such an attractive location.
A list of resources and a brief description of materials and websites with information on relationships with outside counsel.
This paper will outline some of the major areas where employee off-duty conduct intersects with the workplace, and the current “rules of the road” employers must be aware of when considering discipline or termination in such circumstances.
This survey identifies “best practices” concerning the organisation, processes and IT tools of Contract Management in companies within Europe. In doing so, we want to support you in determining and selecting the best approach to Contract Management in your enterprise or department.
Small legal departments can recruit and retain diverse counsel through simple outreach steps, programs, and websites detailed in this article. Not only can you enrich your department with diversity, but also you can improve your client’s bottom line by bringing new perspectives to the table.
The Eversheds Sutherland European Dictionary of Selected Legal Terms has been specifically designed with US and UK corporate counsel in mind. It brings together in a handy pocket format a guide to more than 1000 legal and commercial expressions commonly encountered or used by US and UK corporate counsel in business and in litigation situations in Europe. By covering these terms in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, it extends to the European markets which directly serve more than 300 million people.
Womble Bond Dickinson’s second annual analyzes the fast-evolving global data privacy law landscape and, for the first time, includes over 200 respondents from both the US and UK.
Some topics include the growing use of biometric data and artificial intelligence (AI), differences between operating in the US, the UK, Europe and more.
Ben Heineman's model for the modern inside law department is now widely followed in major corporations in the United States and, increasingly, in Europe and Asia.
The European Unified Patent Court (UPC) – which centralizes patent litigation throughout most of the EU – is on track to go live in late 2016 or early 2017. The new UPC is expected to rival and potentially surpass US courts as the preferred venue for major patent disputes, as US companies will be able to obtain an EU-wide injunction via a single litigation, instead of having to litigate in each jurisdiction. This will drastically reduce costs and improve enforcement, but it won’t be easy. The new system and the changes in procedure and process are complex. Companies must assess multiple factors to decide in advance whether to participate or opt-out. This panel comprised of lawyers dually qualified in the US and UK will focus on how the UPC will impact IP filing and enforcement strategies of US companies, and answer questions such as: What strategic planning should US companies be doing now to prepare for the UPC?; What are the best practices to protect US companies’ patent portfolios in Europe?; What are the commercial advantages of opting-in or out of the UPC?; How will early UPC participants shape the new court system?; How do US companies decide whether to opt-in or opt-out?; How do US companies approach product clearance and FTO in Europe, particularly as applied in licensing and acquisitions?; What are the options for mitigating significant competitor patent risk before it is exacerbated by the UPC?
Don Hughes, vice president and EMEA general counsel at Hitachi Data Systems (HDS), has a PhD in semiconductor physics from Cardiff University in Wales where he subsequently also gained a distinction in his law finals. In this interview he discusses the benefits of his dual degrees and the emerging markets in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
General counsel from leading companies in the United States and Europe came together at ACC's 2010 Annual Meeting during the General Counsel Roundtable, and mused about their evolving roles and how they fulfill their responsibilities. In an environment of increasing regulations, the roundtable stressed the importance of transparency, innovation and forward-thinking.
A template letter notifying an eCommerce platform that protected IP is being sold on their website without the permission of the IP owner.
Discusses the differences in customs procedures throughout the European Union and provides important tips for any company interested in the EU market.
Companies doing deals and business in the European Union may soon see more red tape added to the already complex set of European regulations on merger control, EU state aid and foreign investment control. On 30 June 2022, the European Parliament and the Council announced their agreement on a new regulation, which will give the European Commission (EC) far-reaching powers to intervene in, and possibly prohibit, M&A transactions and public tender bids involving companies that have received apparently distortive foreign subsidies from non-EU governments. This article discusses the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) that allows the EC to review transactions affected by foreign subsidies and to remedy any possible distortive effects.
This is a sample response letter in reply to a claim that a photo on a company's website infringes a copyright, such as a claim from a copyright troll.
Check out the resources on the website of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding background checks on potential employees.
This interactive session will take participants through a case study involving a traditional business trying to compete with a disruptive online competitor. Faculty will guide attendees to identify ways in which the traditional business could use disruptive technology in its own operations and will focus on the legal issues that the traditional business must resolve to migrate to more innovative service offerings. Key issues discussed will include: How can the traditional business learn from its disruptive competitors to become more flexible? What regulatory issues could impact the transformed business? Is the new business proposition lawful? What is the applicable legal framework for the business? How will the traditional business implement the new arrangements (i.e., can the transformation be carried out in-house or will external resources be required)? What will be the key legal challenges in the operation of the transformed business?
This session explores the immediate impact of the implementation of the EU General data protection regulation including the harmonisation of regulator activity across Europe, how effective the "one-stop shop" format will be, Article 29 Working Party submissions and how to protect your business from the right to be forgotten.
Respondents to the EMEA Legal Department Benchmarking Survey 2013 reveal the impact Europe’s continued economic downturn has had on legal department management.
904 - End It Before It Begins: Litigation Prevention in Today’s Business Environment
This article discusses the potential impacts of two proposals by the European Commission - a Council Directive on Business in Europe - Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) and a Council Directive on transfer pricing.
If adopted by the European Council (the Council), the new Directives will significantly impact the taxation of businesses within the EU.
This InfoPAKSM provides guidance for attorneys new to the in-house practice. The InfoPAK addresses the scope of work new in-house counsel can expect, compliance issues, the legal and non-legal duties imposed on in-house counsel, and liabilities one may incur as in-house counsel. With helpful tips and additional resources on adapting to your new role as in- house counsel, this InfoPAK provides a thorough review of the responsibilities new corporate counsel will face.
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