These are the top ten "new frontier" questions and misconceptions about Title III of the US American with Disabilities Act.
This Money Laundering training course will (1) help you to detect money laundering, (2) examine the laws that make money laundering a crime, and (3) inform you of reporting requirements and prevention measures designed to thwart this crime. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Jeffery Hewitt shares his experience as general counsel of Rama First Nation where he advocates for their Aboriginal community in Canada on the First Nation reserve.
In-house counsel in the U.S. are moving from state to state now more than ever. If you are going to work as in-house counsel in a state where you are not licensed, what do you need to consider?
Learn about where Hong Kong stands on privacy protections on digital content.
501 Managing a Domestic & Global IP Portfolio-Strategies Beyond the Basics
This is a sample external communications and social media policy.
Learn about cutting-edge developments in compliance training (apps, multimedia, etc.) that can elevate your compliance program to the next level. Discover how your organization can leverage social media to bolster its compliance program. Squarely address “tone at the middle” and learn best practices for ensuring that middle managers – your first line of defense – are especially prepared to serve as good compliance stewards. Worried about whistleblowers? Examine techniques that foster communications within your organization, to help ensure that employee concerns are raised internally.
Review recent developments in social media and learn to identify the risks social media poses to your organization.
This is a report on the ethical implications of third-party litigation funding.
Depending on state law, making an employment decision based on off-duty conduct may be viewed as employment discrimination. Before throwing out the ashtrays, learn which legal issues must be addressed when implementing a “no smoking” ban on new hires.
Unclaimed property examinations and new types of regulatory inquiries will pose major challenges for US companies in 2024.
This article discusses litigation, enforcement, and regulatory trends related to unclaimed property.
A brief dealing with the question of the constitutionality of reciprocity provisions.
This article discusses data privacy and cybersecurity trends for 2024, including AI regulations, cybersecurity audits, and genetic and health data protection.
For years, the legal world has shied away from diversity, falling behind the inclusion rates of other professions. By implementing newly created disclosure techniques, leaders in corporate America can take advantage of the untapped potential in the room and drive change from top to bottom.
Completing a successful Chinese M&A transaction can be trickier than new math. There are tons of legal hurdles to clear: government approval, anti-trust clearance, transferring real estate, trademarks and patents and repatriating profit, to name a few. Trying to tackle the transaction without a game plan is a sure set-up for defeat - but this article outlines an experienced attorney's firsthand knowledge to make the process less cumbersome.
Canada’s new Anti-Spam Legislation, known as CASL, is one of the strictest in the world. In general, CASL requires consent before sending “commercial electronic messages” and requires that all such messages meet certain form and content requirements. This seems simple, but as always, implementation can be complicated. This article explains the legislation and walks through some real-world scenarios to demonstrate compliance.
Pixels, cookies, and trackers continue to be front of mind for HIPAA regulated entities seeking clarity on their ability to advertise, market, and engage with existing and prospective patients. On March 18, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued updated guidance on the topic.
Climate change is upon us, and in-house counsel are struggling to mitigate risk in a warmer world. As the society-at-large moves toward a low carbon economy, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to assess and disclose its environmental impact. The future of sustainability is here, are you ready for what’s next?
Read this article to gain insight into EU privacy restrictions and to evaluate how you can best avoid a situation of noncompliance with these data protection requirements.
How can businesses ensure they are in compliance with the new and expansive California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)? Find out more about how to get your business compliant with CCPA.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
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