Law is the original outsourced function. Yet the question of what gets in-sourced and what gets outsourced has really never been systematically addressed. Rather than focusing on meaningful measures of law firm productivity and efficiency, law departments have emphasized scrutinizing the bill. Five key questions can help your department get service that is more attuned to your company's competitive environment.
This article explores how increased opportunities and regulation surrounding data has impacted Hong Kong businesses. This resource was produced in March 2019.
Learn how to establish a "Made in USA" compliance program and avoid liability.
Hurdles await any company seeking to expand its footprint outside of currently-known geographic territories. Explore key potential pitfalls and means to navigate your way to success by leveraging a global mindset at all phases of your next multinational contract negotiation.
The Digital Marketers Act published 11 May 2022 will have consequences for the EU on the following: more information on costs and metrics with digital advertising, limitations in targeting, and limitations on targeting minors and profiling based on sensitive data.
Are you an old-story leader or a new-story leader? Find out where you stand in the spiritual awakening that is stirring in the workplace and why you should care.
Learn cybersecurity measures businesses can consider taking in order to better safeguard their systems and data against potential cyber threats, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investing in businesses based in Australia and developing commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in May 2019.
All employers operating in the EU are likely to be required to make changes to their current arrangements to take account of the requirements of the EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions. Effects may also be seen beyond the EU, where multi-national employers seek to “level-up” their arrangements.
Learn about international soft law frameworks - standards, laws, and proposed laws regarding digitization and digital tools.
Increasingly, non-IT companies are becoming "accidental" licensors, licensing their internally built accounting, inventory, human resources, supply chain, or other software systems in order to capitalize on these developments. If your company becomes a software licensor, you may encounter many important and problematic legal issues relevant to the modification, distribution, and protection of your code. They include the permitted use of open source code in commercial applications, clean room development, government rights in software created with government funds, intellectual property protection for software, reverse-engineering, and encryption export controls. This article analyzes these questions and more through familiar hypothetical scenarios.
A study of the state of maturity among in-house legal departments across 15 legal operations functions.
This article contains issues related to using social media in hiring that in-house counsel should consider.
This edition of Vox Tax is dedicated to treaty shopping and substance - hot topics in many jurisdictions.
This article discusses key processes, issues and tips regarding employment litigation in several jurisdictions around the world.
This QuickCounsel covers what information you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of 'ambush marketing', when a non-sponsor of an event to try to associate itself with the event without authorization from the event organizer and without paying the sponsorship fee, often to the detriment of the official sponsor and its brand.
In this article you'll find tips, suggestions and insight to implement the cost-saving measures your company needs.
The road to finalizing a contract can be tricky. Here are seven steps that will help you balance being a guide and strategic advisor as you negotiate the right path for your company.
The purpose of this comparative overview, covering 24 countries, is to provide employers with a comprehensive overview of each jurisdiction starting with the legal sources on salary and holiday pay, and includes an analysis of how income tax and social security contributions are calculated.
This guide provides a straightforward overview of the law and practice which applies in a wide-ranging number of jurisdictions where CMS are able to provide legal advice. This guide provides an answer to each of the 20 questions for each jurisdiction.<br />
On average around the world, starting a business takes 7 procedures, 25 days and costs 32% of income per capita in fees. To operate and expand, the firm will need financing—from shareholders or from creditors. Raising money in the capital market is easier and less costly where minority shareholders feel protected from self-interested transactions by large shareholders. Good corporate governance rules can provide this kind of protection. But among the 189 economies covered by this article, 46 still have only very limited requirements for disclosing majority shareholders’ conflicts of interest—or none at all. In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in removing some of the biggest bureaucratic obstacles to private sector activity. Yet small and medium-size enterprises still are subject to burdensome regulations and vague rules that are unevenly applied and that impose inefficiencies on the enterprise sector. Learn more about the specific regulatory obstacles small and medium-size enterprises must navigate.
Cartel Regulation in the United States is mostly handled by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as they enforce the Sherman Act and FTC Act. In this article, in-house counsel will learn about the rules, regulations, processes and sanctions that are sometimes involved in these cases.
In this multi-jurisdictional article, in-house counsel will learn the laws and regulations of product safety and liability for regions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Meritas produced this resource in 2018.
CMS Insurance Group’s InsurTech Expert Guide intends to sheds light on the outstanding opportunities that stem from the current rules on insurance distribution and digitalization technologies. The publication has also been designed to help traditional insurance and InsurTech companies prepare for future regulations.
Big Data, artificial intelligence, blockchain solutions, along with the innovative use of web platforms and mobile technology have brought distinct advantages to the insurance sector. However, to fully take advantage of these advances in technology market participants must adapt to the shifting regulatory environment.
Learn about Nigeria's 2022 data protection landscape and privacy trends for 2023.
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