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Mary Cassidy, Kathleen Wechter, Kathryn Geoffroy, and Kaitlin Robinson, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
3 pages

Due to the nature of the state-by-state regulation and ongoing developments in state and federal regulations following the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, there is much uncertainty regarding many of these issues. This article provides a brief summary of: (1) some potential options to structure these employee benefits, including certain key issues and risks, and (2) the employment law issues that may arise.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Employment and Labor
Region: United States
John P. Barker, Soo-Mi Rhee, and Trevor G. Schmitt, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
3 pages

On May 26, 2022, the US Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a final rule, finalizing changes to License Exception Authorized Cybersecurity Exports (ACE) and making related changes to other sections of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). These changes include narrowing of exceptions for end use restrictions applicable to certain government end users in Cyprus, Israel, and Taiwan under License Exception ACE and addition of new end use restrictions for License Exception ENC (Encryption Commodities, Software, and Technology).

Resource Details
Region: United States
Rachel B. Goldman, Partner, David A. Shargel, Partner, and David J. Ball, Partner, Bracewell LLP
3 pages

On June 13, 2022, the US Supreme Court resolved a long-standing circuit split holding that broad U.S.-style discovery under 28 U.S.C. § 1782 is not available in private foreign arbitrations. In the past decade, litigants in international arbitrations had been trying to use section 1782 more frequently to obtain comprehensive discovery that would otherwise typically be unavailable in arbitration abroad. While the Supreme Court has ostensibly put an end to that practice, the possibility of further litigation over section 1782 remains, as parties are likely to test the boundaries of the Supreme Court’s decision.

Resource Details
Region: United States
Seth D. DuCharme, Partner and Anissa L. Adas, Associate, Bracewell LLP
2 pages

On May 19, 2022, the US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced significant clarifications to its policy on charging Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”) violations that give some comfort to cyber security consultants who engage in network testing and related operations. Such activity has long been a gray area for “white hat” hackers.

Resource Details
Region: United States
Kevin A. Ewing, Partner, Troy L. Harder, Partner, Charles H. Still, Jr., Partner, and Nathan Guerra, Associate, Bracewell LLP
5 pages

This article discusses the SEC’s proposed rule on climate-related risks includes amendments to both the financial reporting requirements (Reg S-X) and the narrative disclosure requirements (Reg S-K). The proposal interlinks the new requirements, drawing aspects of the required narrative disclosures into the financial statement.

Resource Details
Region: United States
Brian V. Alcala and Kamau A. Coar, Nixon Peabody
2 pages

This article summarizes the requirements of the ordinance the Chicago City Council passed in May 2022, that imposes new anti-sexual harassment requirements for employers located in Chicago. The new requirements went into effect on July 1, 2022.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Employment and Labor
Region: United States
Alexandra Busto, Jill H. Gordon, Michele A. Masucci, Morgan C. Nighan, and Rebecca Simone, Nixon Peabody
6 pages

This article provides key considerations for telehealth providers in mapping out how to deliver care on a multi-state basis in light of the Dobbs decision and related state legislation.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Health Law
Region: United States
Foley & Lardner LLP
44 pages

Check out this whitepaper developed by Foley & Lardner LLP to learn more about the top twelve trends in the digital assets space.

Resource Details
Region: United States
Audience: Mid-Career, New to In-House, Small Law Departments, Large Law Departments
Foley & Lardner LLP
32 pages

Check out this resource developed by Foley & Lardner LLP that focuses on the top seventeen trends for the health & life sciences sector in 2022.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Health Law
Region: United States
Audience: Mid-Career, New to In-House, Small Law Departments, Large Law Departments
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
2 pages

The deadline for EU Member States to amend their local laws in order to comply with EU Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions was August 1, 2022. Here’s what employers with workers in Europe need to know. Check out this Seyfarth article to learn what the directive states.

Resource Details
Region: Europe, European Union, Global
Audience: Mid-Career, New to In-House, Small Law Departments, Large Law Departments
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