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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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What are the hot employment issues facing companies doing business in Europe today? If you don’t know and your company conducts business there, this European employment update is for you. Take this opportunity to brush up on laws regarding unions, privacy, non-compete clauses, works councils regulation on hazardous substances, and much more.

A key issue for in-house counsel, this subject is probably raised on a daily basis in many law departments. Are you aware of all the options, benefits, and drawbacks? If not, you will want to stick around for this session where leading practitioners on the subject will discuss the negotiation, implementation, and management of fixed fee and other alternative billing arrangements from the perspective of both in-house and outside counsel.

Fear drives much of the agenda for internal investigations particularly in the post-SOX world. Whistleblowing has become a common office cooler topic at many companies. Whether from a whistleblowing event or normal review process, investigation findings can be a valuable source of business intelligence, risk management, and quality improvement, but how do you conduct your investigations properly?

In recent years, hedge funds have taken on the mantle of the corporate raiders of the 1980s as they have shaken up the capital structures, boardrooms, and business plans of publicly traded companies across the investing spectrum. When your CEO turns to you for legal advice on fending off these new barbarians at the gate, what will you say?

Designed to meet the needs of the busy and time-constrained in-house counsel, this panel will give a list of the top 10 best EH&S management practices that in-house counsel can immediately adopt and implement at their respective companies. While these plug and play procedures will be generic in nature to allow for use in a variety of industries and businesses, the panelists will give concrete examples of how these can be applied at other companies and how these measures will meet your legal obligations.

Ranging from key technology licenses central to a business model to operational IT licenses for office software, every company’s counsel must advise on inbound licensing. This nuts and bolts course will take the perspective of and focus on the legal issues involved in licensing including coordinating licensed rights from different vendors with the licensee’s business model, impact of standard provisions on the licensee’s operations, and must-have contract clauses for licensees.

Corporate generalists will benefit from this update on the law regarding advertising in established and emerging marketing channels. Learn the status of regulation at the state and federal levels on such issues as telemarketing, direct mail, fax, internet/e-mail, and television. Attendees will also hear from a representative from the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection on its enforcement priorities for the year ahead.

With the Olympics being held in China in 2008, what better time to delve into the country’s IP regulatory system? With its global outreach increasing every day, every in-house practitioner should have some interest in China’s intellectual property policies and how they can impact your company. Our panel of IP experts versed in the inner workings of China’s IP system will explore IP Law in China and share best practices on ways to successfully manage your IP assets under Chinese policy.

Annual Meeting 2006: Many US employees have no idea of the exposure they are facing by managing overseas business dealings, or worse, being registered as officers or managers of non-US companies. Not only do numerous US and non- US laws hold an employee personally liable for certain statutes occurring outside the US, but civil law countries do not recognize a business judgment rule defense to personal liability. Think you or others in your organization might be exposed but don’t know how to proceed?

Annual Meeting 2006: Corporate scandals are not limited to the for-profit world. A crisis could occur in any organization, including one serving your community. Learn the lawyer’s role in putting in motion a plan of action should the need arise, including a public relations effort designed to respond effectively and protect the organization and its constituency.

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