1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.– 2:30 p.m.
"Hot Topics in Health, Biotech & Pharma:
Top 4 of 2024"
Presented by Reed Smith
Join a team of life sciences and health industry thought leaders as they discuss 4 of the hottest litigation and compliance topics of 2024 for this industry sector. From the potential impact of the United States Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision on product liability litigation, to fraud and abuse trends for manufacturers and providers/suppliers, to HIPAA compliance strategies in the context of AI development, to strategies for utilizing patient assistance co-pay programs, attendees will come away with enhanced knowledge of recent changes to the law and how each is likely to impact health, biotech, and pharmaceutical industries.
- Nicole Aiken-Shaban, Partner, Reed Smith
- James Beck, Senior Life Sciences Policy Analyst, Reed Smith
- Arielle Lusardi, Counsel, Reed Smith
- Heather Ritch Rocks, Partner, Reed Smith
- Vicki Tankle, Partner, Reed Smith
2:45 p.m.– 3:45 p.m.
"Commercially Reasonable Efforts In Life Sciences Agreements: Lessons From Litigation"
Presented by Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP
Provisions mandating commercially reasonable efforts (or something similar) are central to numerous types of agreements in the health, biotech, and pharma industries. These provisions are a ripe area for disputes in the industry as well. For litigators and commercial lawyers, it is important to understand the different standards for such provisions, the considerations at the time of contracting, and the types of issues and facts that matter if and when litigation arises. This presentation will focus on these issues and address some recent case law dealing with these provisions.
- Thomas Sullivan, Managing Partner, Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP
- Gabrielle P. Kelerchian, Associate, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP
- Jobina Jones-McDonnell, Assistant General Counsel Litigation & Risk, Endo International
- Jacqueline Gorbey, Senior Counsel, Brand Legal, Sumitomo Pharma America, Inc.
4:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
"So Many Agreements, So Little Time: Tales from the Front Lines in Life Sciences Contracting"
Presented by Troutman Pepper
We’ve all been there. Its Friday afternoon and a CTA, co-development agreement and two supply agreements, with “due yesterday” timelines, have somehow materialized in your inbox. Minimal budget for outside counsel. Ongoing hiring freeze. Your #2 is on vacation. EBITDA projections are down for a third straight quarter and finalizing these agreements will go a long way to solidify the business units’ bottom line. What’s a GC to do? This presentation, led by former and current in-house lawyers, will highlight the contracting challenges our panel has experienced and strategies they have successfully implemented to mitigate these challenges, create efficiencies and streamline contracting within life sciences organizations.
- Mindy Rudolph, Partner, Troutman Pepper
- Tricia Brauer, Counsel, Troutman Pepper
- Edward Angelini, Vice President, Associate General Counsel, M&A and Business Transactions, Amneal Pharmaceuticals
5:15 p.m.– 6:15 p.m.
"A Mixed Picture: Checking in on the latest antitrust developments in biotech and pharma M&A"
Presented by Hogan Lovells
There have been a number of antitrust developments that affect biotech and pharma M&A. Key recent developments include new US merger guidelines, proposed changes to the merger filing process, numerous merger challenges including Sanofi/Maze and Amgen/Horizon, and developments outside the US as well. We will discuss the implications of these developments for transactions including for deal timelines, antitrust covenants and more.
- Jessica Bisignano, Partner, Hogan Lovells
- Lauren Battaglia, Partner, Hogan Lovells
6:15 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.
Cocktail Reception