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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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In this session, Baker McKenzie’s Competition & Consumer Partners Georgina Foster, Helen Joyce and Lynsey Edgar will discuss best practice and provide you with practical tips for responding to ACCC investigations. The presentation will cover issues such as managing a dawn raid, responding to a section 155 notice, preparing for a compulsory examination, privilege and the enforcement options available to the ACCC. The presentation will provide an update on recent cases, and suggest strategies for in-house counsel when dealing with the regulator.

Loss of valuable company information can lead to significant financial damage, loss of business and reputational injury. Partner Michael Michalandos, and Senior Associate Lucienne Gleeson will step you through how best to protect company information, including confidential information and intellectual property. 

The session will cover off proactive steps that can be taken now to minimise loss of company information. In addition, we will detail reactive steps that can be taken if misuse of information occurs.

In this session we will consider:

  • What company information can be protected
  • The systems and procedures that should be put in place to protect company information
  • How to minimise the risk of losing information with a departing staff
  • The immediate steps that should be taken if staff are suspected of misusing company information
  • What options are available if damage is being caused to the Company by misuse of company information. 

You will come away from the session able to minimise the risks to your business from loss of company information.  

ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) concerns and risks are a growing focus for businesses.  But what are they and why are they important?  Is ESG the same as CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)?  Is this the same as "Corporate Sustainability"?  Why do people keep talking about "supply chains" in this context?  How do Diversity and Inclusion fit into these concepts?  And even more importantly - what should Corporate Counsel know and do about all of this?  

In this session experts from Baker McKenzie will get to the bottom of these buzz words.  They will identify some of the relevant international instruments and look at the local legal framework.  By way of case studies, Sarah and Sean will talk about modern slavery reporting (locally and globally) and diversity and inclusion programs (what they should now encompass and what new initiatives corporates should now consider rolling out).  

Does climate change worry you? Do you sometimes feel powerless as a lawyer to make a real difference?

In this webinar, Charlotte Turner and Phoebe Roberts will workshop how lawyers can access and use The Chancery Lane Project Climate Contract Playbook to help achieve NetZero.
The Chancery Lane Project is a global pro-bono initiative of lawyers to rewire contracts and laws to tackle climate change with a mission to see every contract enable solutions to climate change. 

Proudly co-hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia and AUSCL Australian Society for Computers + Law.

Supported by the ACC Australia Pro-bono Committee and ACC Australia LESS Committee.

Join the Tasmanian Division of the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia and our CAP Partner Page Seager for an EOFY CPD and Drinks event. 

The CPD portion will be broken up into two sections: 

Part 1: WHS trends for 2021 – a short update on recent cases in the WHS field and predictions for the future:
○    The nationwide trend in WHS is toward greater levels of regulatory intervention and prosecution. Courts not shying away from imposing large fines on businesses who do not comply with WHS obligations. This presentation will take a short look at some recent and important WHS decisions as a way to predict where things are heading.

Part 2: Legal privilege on investigation reports – how privilege can be inadvertently lost before you start and what you can do to avoid the issue
○    Serious incidents always involve investigations, including by the Regulator, Insurers and potentially the Coroner. This presentation will discuss some of the issues around legal privilege over internal investigation reports and what can be done to ensure that it is not inadvertently waived.

Stay on for a COVID-Safe social event and enjoy a drink with your in-house colleagues. 

Presentation: 4pm

Drinks and networking: 5-6pm

Tim Creek and Liz Godfrey, on behalf of Davies Collison Cave, present an informative update on Trademarks and Competition and Consumer Law.

The Trademark Update with Liz Godfrey includes a detailed analysis into ensuring a distinctive trademark with real world examples and recent trademark developments.

Tim Creek's Competition and Consumer Law Update provides a clear overview of recent ACCC enforcement action including the response to COVID-19, refund rights, advertising claims and pricing including examples from recent high profile cases.

In this session, Baker McKenzie Partners, Andrea Kennedy, Adrian Lawrence and Toby Patten will discuss the evolving landscape of cybersecurity laws in Australia. The presentation will focus on the importance of managing data and keeping it safe in the context of privacy and critical infrastructure, directors duties and M&A transactions.

Indemnities are one of the most negotiated clauses in many commercial contracts, however the rationale for their use and their effect is often not well understood. The drafting of each indemnity is critical and the devil is in the detail.

In this session Baker McKenzie Partner, Alex Hartmann and Special Counsel, Caitlin Whale, will step through the key features of contractual indemnities and provide a practical checklist of tips and traps to help draft effective indemnities that properly reflect the risk allocation agreed between commercial parties.

In this session Baker McKenzie Partners, Lynsey Edgar and Anne Petterd will:

•    Provide a refresher on key Australian Consumer Law considerations: unfair contract terms, consumer guarantees and misleading conduct
•    Highlight lessons learned on unfair contracts
•    Look forward at the ACCC's push for a prohibition on unfair business practices

In this session, Baker McKenzie's Partners, Anne-Marie Allgrove and Paul Forbes, will provide an update on the latest developments in relation to data breaches including:
•    how the landscape and guidance has changed following the introduction on mandatory reporting in 2018
•    trends and observations in relation to reported data breaches in Australia
•    developing obligations in other jurisdictions and the impact of those changes in Australia.

Anne-Maria and Paul will also discuss how this impacts your business, including: 
•    the benefits of developing a Data Breach Response Plan
•    controlling and protecting information shared with contractors and service providers
•    managing a data breach in the context of mandatory disclosure
•    what should your contract say?
•    what should your data breach response plan say?
•    how you can ensure that claims for legal professional privilege are preserved.

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