This article discusses issues such as falling share prices in response to labor disputes, “living wage” resolutions at AGMs, stakeholder concerns over working conditions in supply chains, and workers speaking up about their employer’s culture and ethics, which potentially engage the EU’s new sustainability reporting duty.
The Home Office (United Kingdom) has updated its sponsor guidance to incorporate recent changes to immigration rules as well as some other changes to the guidance. In this article, learn about these employment changes to ensure compliance.
Effective January 1, 2023, employers who are hiring in the state of Washington will need to comply with the strictest job posting requirements in the United States. Washington’s newly revised Equal Pay And Opportunity Act now requires employers with 15 or more employees to disclose a pay scale and general description of benefits in each job posting or face claims of at least $5000 per violation. Washington’s agency overseeing the Act recently finalized its Policy to answer many outstanding questions regarding compliance with the new law.