because distributors are located in the middle of the supply channel, they face demands from both ends: intellectual property protections from the makers of a product and requests from those reselling it. This article looks at the types of relationships distributors typically have with vendors and purchasers, and offers advice on how to successfully navigate the squeeze.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the Switzerland market.
Find an in-depth summary of doing business in Argentina in this article. In-house counsel will learn about investment vehicles, tax considerations, protections of intellectual property and more.
Recently more countries in the Asia-Pacific region have introduced gender quotas, or targets, to increase female participation on boards of listed companies. This article takes a look at the impact of these measures and the progress made so far.
This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in Austraila.
This supplemental material is an overview of FEC regulations & registrations.
Starting a business is easier than ever these days. But it's also easier than ever to get yourself into trouble. Practice these policies that help ensure the success of your new business.
This roundtable discussions of women in-house attorneys, representing a diverse range of seniority levels, industries and subject matter expertise, will discuss issues unique to women working in large corporations. Their insights will be of interest to a variety of ACC members, including women in-house attorneys seeking to climb the corporate ladder, in-house attorneys of both genders seeking to mentor women in their legal departments, women practitioners seeking to develop business with corporate clients, and male practitioners seeking to strengthen their relationships with the increasing number of female corporate executives.
This is a sample company employee handbook.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a standard document for a two-party 50:50 joint venture agreement for use in international join ventures where both parties transfer businesses to the joint venture company (JVC) in consideration for the issue of shares in the JVC.
Read this 2008 Communicator Award-winning article!
General counsel have a lot on their plates, which means they sometimes don't pay as much attention to what the attorneys in various legal functions, including intellectual property, actually do. GC's can, on occasion, fail to pay enough attention to intellectual property and given today's economic realities and recent headlines, such failure can jeopardize careers and lower shareholder value. This article explores why paying more attention to your company's IP is so important.
Data risk was once thought of as a technical challenge. However, the onslaught of data breach and data privacy legislation, and subsequent litigation have changed this outlook. There is one activity that everyone is aware of which, if well-executed, can lower technical, legal, and privacy risks and increase compliance: a data retention/deletion program. Check out this whitepaper from Exterro to learn more about data retention programs.
Defending a patent infringement lawsuit can be an arduous and costly endeavor. Of course, there can be no infringement if the patent is invalid. One way to prove this is by producing prior art. Although the concept may not seem revolutionary, this article provides eight examples of resourceful patent lawyers in their search for prior art.
The scope of information to be held confidential is remarkably similar for all lawyers, no matter the country you practice in. The real differences are manifested in the exceptions to the duty of confidentiality and the applicability of the duty to in-house lawyers. The exceptions to confidentiality are generally (though not universally) broader in the United States. Do not always assume that US ethics law is the most protective. When it comes to confidential information relating to business crimes or fraud, for example, it often may not be. It is imperative to fully understand and properly analyze confidentiality and choice of law issues where foreign ethics law is involved.
The substantial increase in international trade disputes, constraints on US courts, and the limited reach of US court judgments create a demand for an innovative way to handle international technology disputes.
Discusses the spider web of regulations that vary across borders, subjecting multinational companies to conflicting standards and possible multiple prosecutions for the same acts.
This article, written by Latham & Watkins, focuses on the US Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposed rules (Proposing Release) that would require securities market participants that engage in dealer-like activities to register with the SEC, become a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO), and comply with federal securities laws and regulatory obligations. The article touches upon the proposed changes and the qualitative and quantitative standards that these rules set.
This checklists provides a rolling action item list for the implementation of a global anti-corruption program. It was part of ACC's 2012 Compliance and Ethics Training Program.
The Schrems II decision invalidated the US/EU Privacy Shield program for data transfers, but a replacement has not yet been negotiated for US companies. Schrems II will impact US data transfers eventually, but in the meantime US companies can prepare for the changes.
A review of United Arab Emirates law related to corporate governance, investment, incorporation, intellectual property, data privacy, real estate, and transferring shares.
Working with your Marketing Team - presentation held in Perth 9 March 2017.
This article speaks about when purchasing or leasing residential or commercial real estate the dimensions of the building are an important aspect and if you can rely on the information provided by the seller or real estate agent?
This publication includes a series of profiles of in-house lawyers in Australia, tracing their career pathways since graduation and highlighting the career decisions that have led to their in-house career. By highlighting these individuals, ACC aims to showcase the dynamic career opportunities offered by an in-house legal career.
This top ten lists ten tips when implementing a record policy for electronic information including emails, files and records in databases.
Meaningfully bridging cultural divides requires more than taking a brief predeparture course in etiquette. Cultural education is a continuous process that often requires real attitudinal change, for which the payoff can be immense.
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