To understand the driving forces behind the evolving role of the CLO and of corporate legal departments, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) reached out to 9,600 indi- viduals. Survey results reflect data* from more than 1,200 individuals in 41 countries who serve as the organization’s chief legal officer or general counsel (referred to as the CLO in this report). From roles and responsibilities to salaries, skills and work environments, the study explored a broad range of topics.
New this year is a comparative analysis of the data from the 2013 and 2014 survey results, thereby addressing current trends facing law departments.
Inter Alia (October 2006)
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Australia.
This is a detailed outline of the 2011 ACC Annual Meeting Session 305. It covers risk management principles, root cause analysis, and enforcement of international contracts.
Transborder disputes present special management challenges to in-house counsel because strategies and outcomes depend as much on culture as on legal systems. Your domestic case management system may not identify and cope with all of the cultural differences, and your outside counsel may not have cross-border experience to fill the gaps. This article presents a sampler of types of issues by which you can assess your needs in the complex transborder environment, offers a broad range of relevant and informative questions, illustrated with examples from the authorsÕ experience, and suggests how you can expand the transnational resources of your team.
A review of ten important issues to consider when contemplating a "bring your own device" policy. Includes a review of the pros and cons of BYOD, security issues, and device management for United States based organizations.
In the big picture world of project management, ensuring the overall success of a project is a project manager''s top priority. If a project goes wildly over-budget (as they often do), it will not be considered a success, even if it''s delivered on time and meets the customer or client needs. That''s why project managers need to better manage their project plans and budgets. Learn the strategies and techniques for maintaining control of your internal and external projects and budgets and preventing massive cost overruns. This session will help you identify and develop the building blocks and steps that, if followed as a single unit and truly embraced by the entire team, will provide the roadmap to project management perfection.
This Top Ten shows examples of the types of compensation often overlooked under the United States Fair Labor Standards Act.
The coronavirus pandemic, the U.S.-China trade war, and the war in Ukraine have accelerated the transformation of the world's global supply chains. These developments have prompted organizations to search for a closer, more reliable supply chain that is less dependent on transoceanic transportation. This article discusses considerations for foreign companies choosing Mexico as a nearshoring option.
If you're not general counsel to a mutual fund, chances are that you’re not fully versed in the Investment Company Act of 1940. However, chances are that you do work for an operating company that has investments. Not understanding the far reach of this Act can cause trouble for companies. Read on to find out what exactly is an inadvertent investment company and how to keep your company from becoming one.
Because the blame for a covenant violation can ultimately rest on an in-house lawyer, you must take charge of negotiating and complying with financial agreements. This article will discuss the processes that you can use to negotiate and comply with your company's loan documents.
Learn how to field compliance issues in an environment where there are no supporting compliance resources available. Learn to recognize ethical pitfalls of fielding compliance issues while operating in dual capacities (as general counsel and compliance officer).
The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down — law departments are increasingly challenged to be more service-oriented and less costly. It may sound like an impossible task and for some, it may well be. But there’s another possible solution: off shoring.
The European Unified Patent Court (UPC) – which centralizes patent litigation throughout most of the EU – is on track to go live in late 2016 or early 2017. The new UPC is expected to rival and potentially surpass US courts as the preferred venue for major patent disputes, as US companies will be able to obtain an EU-wide injunction via a single litigation, instead of having to litigate in each jurisdiction. This will drastically reduce costs and improve enforcement, but it won’t be easy. The new system and the changes in procedure and process are complex. Companies must assess multiple factors to decide in advance whether to participate or opt-out. This panel comprised of lawyers dually qualified in the US and UK will focus on how the UPC will impact IP filing and enforcement strategies of US companies, and answer questions such as: What strategic planning should US companies be doing now to prepare for the UPC?; What are the best practices to protect US companies’ patent portfolios in Europe?; What are the commercial advantages of opting-in or out of the UPC?; How will early UPC participants shape the new court system?; How do US companies decide whether to opt-in or opt-out?; How do US companies approach product clearance and FTO in Europe, particularly as applied in licensing and acquisitions?; What are the options for mitigating significant competitor patent risk before it is exacerbated by the UPC?
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in Hong Kong.
Read this 2010 Apex Award-winning article!
The revolution has not only been televised - it's been beamed, emailed and scanned. Technological advancements aren't without their risks, however. The newest generation of tech-savvy workers, nicknamed the "Millennial" generation, face unprecedented exposure to security breaches. What risks does touch-button technology present? What strategies should in-house counsel wage to protect sensitive company information?
Learn about Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and related copyright issues.
Due to the recession and a growth in electronic data, corporations are investing in key legal professionals who develop corporate-wide ediscovery strategies. Records management programs and data mapping analyses cut costs and ensure defensibility. Read this article and rediscover ediscovery.
Economic globalization means that in-house lawyers who have been focusing on only domestic issues must now also become versed in foreign and transnational aspects of their particular subject-matter expertise. Learn what to do to get up to speed in international legal matters, including how to deal with the differences between common law and civil law.
This article looks at the legal landscape of maternity and parental leave in select countries throughout the world to illustrate how different legal systems have chosen to institute such leave in a manner which reflects both the specific culture of the country and the overall global movement towards increased accommodations for parents before and after childbirth.
Every year natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes, impose significant environmental harms, and many of these impacts are projected to increase as climate change accelerates. The emerging field of “disaster law” has a significant overlap with environmental law, both in responding to and managing the environmental impacts of natural disasters, and in the role of insurance and compensation in managing risks. This panel will review the legal components of disaster planning and disaster response, focusing on legal challenges that companies face in planning for disasters, ensuring continuation of operations in the face of disasters, and securing government assistance, regulatory relief, and insurance recovery in the wake of such disasters.
This QuickCounsel provides a brief overview of the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission's Resource Guide to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Includes tips on the dangers of FCPA liability, the importance corruption due diligence, and various trends at the DOJ and SEC.
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