What are the practical issues involved in protecting confidential information? To best protect your company you need to know trade secrets and confidential information laws. Don't forget that undisclosed information varies from state to state and country to country. Read this article to brush up on the law, but even go beyond it and take actual physical measures to protect your company's data.
Testimony of ABA President Karen Mathis, Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Regarding The Thompson Memorandum's Effect on the Right to Counsel in Corporate Investigations Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Litigation isn't cheap. But you don't want your company's multimillion-dollar lawsuit handled by Bob's Shoeshine and Legal Services. Your company needs the best legal representation it can afford. In the finale of his Lawyerland trilogy, the author explains the basic techniques of project management he now uses after experimenting with two cases and details how and when these techniques can fruitfully be applied to manage your company's litigation.
This article provides analysis and insights into Australia’s digital health for 2021. There are a number of key issues germane to digital health that the piece examines with great detail, in addition to providing questions and answers for each one.
This article evaluates force majeure clauses through discussion of Tri-Quality Enterprises, Inc. v. Total Systems Technology, Inc.
In this resource, a summary of the most significant employment-related class action activity form 2021 is reviewed and explained.
While definitions may vary, the term is generally employed as a catch-all phrase for workers employed through non-traditional, intentionally impermanent work arrangements, such as independent contractors, leased employees, consultants, on-call workers, part-time workers, and temporary employees.
This Real Estate Purchase Contract form was tailored to the buyer’s expectations in acquiring additional property to expand his business. It marries the buyer’s request for a simplified document with the need to protect the buyer’s rights. The property was residential, but being acquired for subsequent commercial use.
This presentation talks about what to do before, during and after a product recall.
This is a list of reference materials for the session.
When a company starts a new project, the question of financing is an issue. In Germany, a new alternative to the traditional loan process is being tested.
For the first time, there are four generations spanning a six-decade age range in the workforce, and sociologists maintain that each generational cohort has been shaped by unique historical, social and cultural events, and as a result, each has distinct similarities in attitudes, values, expectations and work preferences. Learn what you can do to understand cross-generational work styles, and how you can effectively promote collaboration and growth.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A which gives a high level overview of the key practical issues including the level of activity and recent trends in the Singaporean market.
Learn about key restructuring and insolvency laws in this multi-jurisdictional guide.
This multijurisdictional guide covers common issues in initial public offerings, including the IPO process, regulatory architecture, public company responsibilities, potential risks, liabilities, and pitfalls.
As governments continue to crack down on employers for immigration violations, maintaining compliance should be a top priority when it comes to global mobility. For instance, counsel must be diligent of work visas, bribery issues and foreign tax laws, to name just a few. To avoid having those short-term assignments become long-term headaches, take a look at this article.
Taking a company public serves as one of the most exhilarating journeys that a corporate lawyer can embark on. Are you ready to step into the limelight?
This article deals with doing business in the Asia Pacific Region.
Learn how companies responding to EPA claims under the Superfund statute can seek federal government contribution due to federal ownership of industrial facilities during World War II.
Learn the key features of the proposal adopted on February 23, 2022 by European Commission (“Commission”) for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Today’s legal profession is generationally diverse, with members of the baby-boom, Generation X and Millennial generation all present in the workforce. Companies, law firms and their clients can benefit from the various perspectives and experiences multigenerational teams bring to legal projects. But for legal managers, getting the most from a generationally diverse workforce can sometimes be a challenge because of the different expectations each demographic group may have about work.
ACC Docket July/August 2007: Ins & Outs: RFPs and Tenders, Should We, Really? Before you request an RFP, here are some tips to determine whether there might be a better alternative.
Cubans say the changes to their country’s socialist economic model will happen sin prisa, pero sin pausa – without hurry, but without pausing. That may be a good – or perhaps necessary – political strategy.
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