Instead of allowing good to be good enough, use these tips to start every day with purpose and to live a more productive life.
Bill Mordan's March Careerpath opines on the usefulness of brevity.
This article provides an overview of the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020, issued in October 2020. The article analyzes several of the 2020 Strategy’s key initiatives.
This article explains the top ten amendments to the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) that were made after the 2018 American midterm elections. These new amendments affect Canadian IP law .
This presentation describes the purpose of a whistleblower program.
A panel of experts will discuss strategies and best practices for building and managing a trademark portfolio with a limited budget. The panel will address best practices related to clearance, filing, portfolio maintenance, and enforcement. The session will include a discussion of international searching and filing strategies and tips for prioritizing activities when expanding coverage of US trademarks into new geographies. The panel will review and discuss resources and tools available to assist with aspects of building and managing a trademark portfolio.
This study aims to provide a snapshot of the current state of cybersecurity practices across leading global organizations, and to advise organizations in improving their cybersecurity programs.
Discusses how medical leave situations must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis and consider the ADA and state discrimination laws, as well as the FMLA. Also includes a checklist of considerations.
Learn the ins and outs of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department’s successes and show your boss how you add value to the company’s bottom line.
The article covers familiar territory such as the enforcement benefits of arbitration, the neutrality it offers, the fact that it is more confidential than litigation and the finality of arbitration. It should be of particular interest to anyone new to arbitration and dispute resolution in general.
James Nortz discusses the pros and cons of pledging "The MBA Oath."
Over the past four years, a stream of news reports has described SEC enforcement actions and criminal prosecutions of inside corporate lawyers. Many in the corporate bar have asked whether the news coverage is exaggerating the frequency of these actions, and if the frequency is real, whether any common factors prompted these proceedings. If the answer to these critical questions is "yes," then inside lawyers can take steps to reduce their risks.
The purpose of this ACC guide (InfoPAK) is to provide a summary of law governing covenants not to compete in each US state. It is organized by state and discusses the most important factors to consider when drafting a covenant not to compete, including guidance regarding commonly-occurring contract issues, and factors courts consider when analyzing a covenant not to compete.
This InfoPAKSM is organized by state and discusses the most important factors to consider when drafting a covenant not to compete.
Those baby boomers just won't quit! Working, that is. What challenges face companies wanting to employ older workers? Some of the hurdles include planning for employees who want flexible schedules to meet family demands, as well as financial concerns such as social security earnings limitations.
A litigator turned ADR convert talks about the very strong merit behind this style of problem solving. It just may benefit your client, your department, and your career. And no, you won’t look wimpy for suggesting it to your boss.
This article contains information on the research initiative that highlights key trends and provides timely advice to help you recruit and retain talented employee teams of all generations.
This is a sample master license agreement for production use.
This Consent Order is based on the agreement of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), and General Motors Company (“GM”) to resolve claims associated with NHTSA’s Timeliness Query TQ14-001.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a memorandum of understanding relating to a two-party proposed 50:50 international joint venture, where both parties intend to contribute existing businesses to a newly formed joint venture company, applied to a global context.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of the domestic mining sector, its regulatory structure and ownership, the environment and health and safety. It covers foreign ownership and tax issues ans proposals for reform in Mozambique.
This article discusses efficient brief drafting techniques in direct actions brought before the General Court of the European Union in the field of competition law.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) is compiled from questions and responses posted by the IT, Privacy and eCommerce Network on their Forum. It addresses the use of indemnification provisions in Business Association Agreements (BAAs) in the United States.
To avoid potential liability for the conduct of international representatives, consultants, agents, or other third parties who interact with foreign government officials on the Company’s behalf (collectively “Intermediaries”), it is the Company’s policy to investigate the background and reputation of its prospective Intermediaries to give it a factual basis for concluding that the Intermediary will do so in a manner that fully complies with applicable laws and the Company’s Code of Ethics. This “due diligence’’ must take place before the Intermediary is retained and must be updated when extending or renewing an Intermediary’s contract.
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