This is a sample marketing services agreement.
This Quick Counsel addresses The Right of Regret in the Brazilian Consumer Code which provides the Consumer the prerogative to withdraw from the purchase of a product or hiring a service that has not been held in a physical store.
Knowledge management is more than efficient organization information sharing. It requires permanent KM personnel, implantation of collaborative technology, buy-in from management, and the integration of KM processes into the daily organizational life. The more prosaic and "in the flow" KM initiatives are, the ore likely they are to succeed.
Interviews with legal leaders of Fortune 50-ranked companies who were asked to share insights on what they value most in working with firms, value-based fee structure models, other types of practices they're implementing that focus on value, legal spend and savings from implementing value practices and more.
Download the PDF, or view the interactive digital edition at
This is a sample power purchase agreement where the Company is the lessee or owner of the property and desires to make a portion of such property available to Provider for the construction, operation and maintenance of a solar powered electric generating project, and to purchase from Provider the electric energy produced by the project.
Amendments to the Canadian Patent Act and enactment of the Certificate of Supplementary Protection Regulations flowing from the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement introduced a new framework in Canada for the issuance of Certificates of Supplementary Protection (CSPs).
This chart compare key aspects of the two regimes, Canada's and the EU's.
This article provides a brief overview of the case Airport Authority v Persons Unlawfully and Willfully Obstructing or Interfering with the Proper Use of the Hong Kong International Airport [2020] HKCFI 2743. This case is noteworthy because the Judge employed new technologies in order to effect substitute service during the proceedings, making room for the use of other technologies in civil litigation in the future.
While the SFC's consultation conclusions may soften the proposed requirement or adapt to industry comments, it is unlikely to be "scratched" from the field in its entirety. Potential change on this front, and the need to incorporate some form of suitability criteria into client agreements is therefore likely to be a starter in the Year of the Horse.
The most critical issues facing companies today are legal issues. It's no longer just a good idea for CLOs to be at the executive table, in the boardroom, and reporting to the CEO - it's essential. Learn more about how 1,300 peers view their role in the boardroom and with the CEO. Find out what is trending in department costs, law firm turnover, spend, work allocation, and more.
What are the options available to U.S. companies for providing legal services to overseas clients? Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the models currently in use to choose the right fit for your company.
This article outlines some of the rules which govern the screening process by which the Australian government considers foreign investment proposals, which they do on a case-by-case basis to determine whether a particular proposal in contrary to Australia’s national interests (or national security).
The aim of the RDL is to improve and clarify certain aspects of the rules governing outof-court protected refinancing arrangements and the so-called Spanish scheme or "homologación judicial" whilst trying to solve other inefficiencies of the legal regime applying to those refinancing arrangements that have arisen in practice. This is a preliminary review that we thought should be shared with you as soon as possible given the number of current debt restructurings that may be affected by its content.
This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2011 Crisis Management and the Role of In-House Lawyers: Company Leading Practices, features the leading business continuity and crisis management plans of four entities that share plan aspects, including core components, operational strategies, and lessons learned. The Profile also addresses the law departments’ role in prevention planning, training, risk assessment, crisis management, and continuity planning.
This is an article describing employment based immigrant visas which are divided into five preference categories.
In-house lawyers for companies around the world are playing leading roles in providing proactive legal guidance to corporate clients on governance initiatives. This practice profile shares information on practices implemented at the following seven companies: Alvarion Ltd., Ballard Power Systems, General Motors Corporation, SAP AG, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Westpac Banking Corporation, and Woolworths Limited.
The Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) changed the rules of class action lawsuits to alleviate problems with forum-shopping and limit the number of interstate class action suits decided in state courts that have little, if any, connection to the case or controversy. But in the short term, CAFA could wind up making class action suits more protracted, and quite costly to corporate defendants. Read how to navigate the potholes, detours, pit stops, and dangerous curves of the statute.
This resource discusses cyber-risk, the threat that data breaches can hold and what Directors should do to protect their companies in the United States. This is resource is part of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) Handbook Series.
This article addresses what can be done once a company is served with a class action lawsuit.
This program will consist of a live, interactive mock negotiation of a sports sponsorship deal. The panel will provide the audience with a term sheet and will facilitate a mock negotiation over key deal points. The audience will be invited to identify key issues, offer their solutions on how best to address those issues, and debate the merits of various approaches and solutions. The panelists will guide the audience through the "negotiation," offer their recommendations and insights based on their experience in negotiating these types of deals, and address the issues that arise post signing.
The respondents overwhelmingly question the integrity of their leaders and perhaps with good cause. The survey reveals that many employees would accept fraud and corruption in the work place in order to survive the current economic storm and indeed senior management are even more likely than rank and file to condone activities such as cash bribes and financial statement fraud.
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