With the AIFMD now in force, we thought it would be helpful to cover some of the questions we are frequently being asked across all of Ashurst's offices.
There are many odd laws on the English statute book that have yet to be repealed. It has been asserted that it is legal to shoot a Welshman with a bow and arrow inside the city walls of Chester after midnight, although, if true, this is likely to now be over-ruled by European Union law.
The author discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using the iPad 2 as a business tool.
This article summarizes the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in Spain.
International borders have been coming down for some time providing even more opportunities than ever before for international work. Do you have an adventurous spirit? Find out if you can afford to take the risks involved in redefining your career to serve internationally.
These are the slides of the 2023 presentation given by Veta T. Richardson, ACC President and CEO, and Justin Connor, Executive Director, Center for Industry Self-Regulation, on tips and strategies for proposing, creating, and teaching a law school course.
This memorandum briefly sets out the rules which apply to counterparties categorised under EMIR as "non financial counterparties" ("NFC"). It is not however designed to describe in detail the clearing mechanics or the consequences on daily valuation at market price and thus of potential margin calls.
ACC Board Chair Patricia R. Hatler examines the results of the 10th Annual Chief Legal Officer Survey.
The Insurance/Reinsurance Guide to Global Business is meant to be a quick reference for in-house counsel conducting business across the world.
This newsletter is published by the law firm Venable LLP. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinion. Such advice may only be given when related to specific fact situations that Venable has accepted an engagement as counsel to address.
A form that requires specific officers of a company to acknowledge in writing their adherence to the Financial Code of Ethics. Includes provisions that lay out the ethical responsibilities of the officers.
A short discussion on the science of ethical decision making.
This InfoPAK will discuss why a strategic plan is needed and how to develop one.
What issues should companies consider when implementing best practices for utilizing AI in the workplace? This resource outlines issues to consider when developing a corporate AI policy.
This resource is an article on how to manage highly disruptive technologies.
Looking for one important document can sometimes feel like sifting through a million granules of sand for one tiny diamond. For many organizations, the ever-increasing availability of information sometimes makes it difficult to find a specific item. One of the most underused assets in a legal organization is information for which there is no practical access. This article provides an overview of an approach to organize data that does not involve investing in costly document management systems.
An overview of the Saudi legal and court system.
“It takes a different mentality to be a successful in-house lawyer than to be a private practice lawyer,” says Adam Walters, assistant general counsel, Asia Pacific for First Solar Inc. It also means being on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “The idea that you go in-house to get a cushy job with great work-life balance is not something I have experienced.”
This short article introduces approaches to management and leadership, and argues that a change in strategy may lead to better results.
This article examines how the Chinese National Intelligence Law (“NIL") applies differently to Chinese parent companies compared to companies owned by non-Chinese parent companies.
The Real Estate Survey is being conducted by members of the Lex Mundi Real Estate Practice
Group. This multi-part survey of Issues in Real Estate Investment and Finance presents jurisdictional overviews of real estate investment and financing laws in jurisdictions around the world. This survey covers four general topics: foreign investments, ownership of real property, finance and commercial leasing.
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