This booklet is intended to provide lawyers and those involved in Dutch business operations with a good understanding of the essentials of Dutch employment law. The human factor is considered crucial in successful organisations and a careful approach to HR strategy can lead to significant rewards.
804 How to Respond to a Government Investigation/Inquiry: The First 30 Days. This discussion covers important topics such as protecting applicable privileges, dealing with letters of investigation, and more.
This Leading Practices Profile (LPP) presents themes, trends and leading practices of general counsel at the helm of six legal departments located in the Asia-Pacific region. The resource explores how the roles of general counsel and in-house counsel in that region have evolved from legal advisors to trusted business partners. It also provides leading practices for the success of legal teams of global organizations located in the Asia-Pacific region.
While the focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues is not new, the importance of reporting and treating ESG as a key component of your business and governance processes has increased in recent years. This article will identify what ESG means from an in-house counsel perspective and steps for developing your company’s ESG program.
An update from the 2015 Guide for General Counsel, this resource seeks to support the General Counsel (GC) community by examining five areas of corporate sustainability. This guide provides practical tips and advice for implementing and executing your sustainability plans.
The purpose of this InfoPAK is to assist corporate counsel in understanding and making decisions about conflicts and waivers. Included is an overview of the rules relating to the three principal kinds of conflict of interest that result in conflicts waiver requests, as well as a discussion of the issues corporate counsel should consider when reviewing a request for a conflicts waiver.
This is a sample of basic rental information.
This InfoPAK provides an overview of the administrative process and the necessary steps the employer must take to properly respond to an agency charge of discrimination. A quick and thorough response is necessary when your organization is approached by an agency investigator. This InfoPAK contains helpful strategies to minimize the impact in such cases. Accordingly, this InfoPAK contains key procedures to implement for an internal investigation and formal response to a discrimination charge, potentially preventing future, unwarranted allegations.
This material provides an overview of the various factors that a foreign investor should consider when establishing a business in Nicaragua.
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