This program originally aired on May 22, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Jennifer Martin
Sr. Cybersecurity & Privacy Counsel
Michael Bahar
Global Co-Lead of Data Privacy, Security and Technology
Eversheds Sutherland
This program originally aired on July 11, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Tune in to this panel discussion on navigating the evolving regulatory and enforcement environment in continental Africa. Hear insights and perspectives from senior government officials, members of the in-house community, and outside counsel.
Presented by:
Dr. Willard Mwemba
CEOMESA Competition Commission
Mpumi Mazibuko
General Counsel, Africa Operating Unit
Coca-Cola Company
Kalidou Gadio
Co-Chair, US-Africa Practice
DLA Piper, LLP
Carsten Reichel
Partner, Latam Practice Group; Regional Co-Leader, Regulatory & Antitrust
DLA Piper, LLP
This program originally aired on January 24, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Carly Alameda,
Farella Braun + Martel
Amy Briggs
Farella Braun + Martel
This program originally aired on January 24, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Cheryl Orr
Faegre Drinker
Lynne Anderson
Faegre Drinker
Jonathan Blumenstein
Charles River Associates
Zina Deldar
Associate General Counsel
This program originally aired on March 21, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Laurie Carr Mims
Managing Partner
Keker Van Nest & Peters
Maya James
Keker Van Nest & Peter
Ruth Mackey
Shareholder Advisory Director
SRS Acquiom
This program originally aired on March 20, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Emily Gardel, Ph.D., J.D.
Associate Director, Patent Attorney II
Dyno Therapeutics
Sylvia Georges Evangelinos, Ph.D., J.D.
Head R&D IP for Neuroscience and Discovery Sciences
Leslie Grab, Ph.D., J.D.
Vice President, Corporate Legal
BigHat Biosciences
Aaron Capron
Jeffrey Smyth
This program originally aired on May 22, 2024. Please note that this program recording is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Presented by:
Sunny Seon Kang
Global Privacy Counsel, AI & Data
Amanda Katzenstein
Corporate Counsel, Product
Sushila Chanana
Farella Braun + Martel
Ben Buchwalter
Special Counsel
Farella Braun + Martel
This is a sample master services agreement between a client company and a vendor company.
Consumer product manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers take heed. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been among the most active government agencies in the last four years. Companies must be proactive to ensure regulatory compliance and to protect their brand. This article suggests means to proactively design an effective product safety and regulatory compliance program.
Much has been said of the expanded role that in-house counsel is now expected to carry out in public companies. Modern law departments must go beyond providing legal advice as needed, and are expected to collaborate directly and offer leadership to their board of directors. Learn how board governance has changed in the last 15 years and how in-house counsel must adapt.
New reporting requirements mandated by the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 were effective Jan. 1, 2010. Companies subject to the MMSEA must understand the new requirements or learn the hard way — a potential civil penalty of $1,000 for each day of noncompliance for each claimant. An absolute must-read, this detailed report includes MMSEA background information, and compliance guidelines and instructions.
Armed with recent amendments to the statute that initially targeted contractors, the government has also recouped millions of dollars using the False Claims Act to battle healthcare fraud. But just what does that have to do with your company and its employees?
Today, more cases are going to trial for shorter durations. In such a scenario, lawyers must present information to jurors in a concise, streamlined manner; in essence, they must become masters of the short story. This article explores the benefits of compressed trials and offers practitioners insight into how they can tailor their strategies to ensure a positive outcome for their clients.
Outsourcing company services that require sensitive data to third parties does not relieve your organization of liability. Far from it — entrusting sensitive data to a vendor can increase your risk of a data breach and drive up the associated costs of the fallout. However, if you conduct due diligence and verify that your vendor can handle confidential information with care, you bolster your company’s defense if a breach occurs due to the vendor’s negligence.
A discussion about transitioning from private practice to that of a corporate legal department.
The role of advocate is one of great responsibility and requires a strong understanding of what needs to be done in order to affect change. New laws and potential changes to existing laws impact in-house counsel's ability to work effectively. Alberto Gonzalez-Pita has been working, along with ACC, on behalf of the in-house community, and its ability to serve the client, for years.
This article addresses the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice's issuance of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Plan and Guidance in 2016 that includes a one-year pilot program to formally incentivize corporations to self-disclose potential FCPA issues, fully cooperate with DOJ in the investigation of those issues, and remediate any corruption issues identified in an internal investigation in the United States.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII).
With China's pending entry into the World Trade Organization, continued reports of software and internet music piracy in Asia, and the ease with which pirated goods can be trafficked via the internet, protection of intellectual property rights abroad should concern any company conducting business in China.
“Can we do it?” “Should we do it?” “How can we justify budgeting for it?” and “Can we rely on it?” are questions that your product development or marketing team may ask you prior to launching a product or service.
The overall costs and burdens of ediscovery for any company can be hefty to say the least. When companies "de-duplicate" only within the records of individual custodians, they often end up paying lawyers twice to review the same document from multiple custodians. This adds significant cost for the company and frequently raises serious ethical issues.
After a multinational acquisition has closed, in-house counsel still need to manage different legal systems and different employee rights and expectations. Developing and implementing a post-acquisition plan requires technical expertise and early involvement in the acquisition process. This article breaks down the phases for developing an effective integration plan.
There are many approaches a legal team can take to build a culture of diversity and inclusion. Clerkships are one avenue. This article discusses how a well-structured 1L diversity clerkship program can add value to an in-house team. Not only do clerkships highlight a company’s commitment to diversity, but they also build a talented pipeline of professionals that can enhance a company’s brand for years to come.
This is a sample convention center agreement between City and Corporation.
This is a sample channel license agreement.
This guide provides an overview of the legal framework for food safety in China.
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