This is a sample lease agreement between a limited liability company and a corporation, both based in Delaware.
This is a sample employee handbook.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to joint ventures, including practice notes and standard documents for cross-border deals with detailed drafting notes highlighting the main legal, commercial and negotiating issues in Germany.
This guide from Latham & Watkins and KPMG is designed to provide a roadmap to help navigate the financial statement requirements of the US federal securities laws.
This edition of Vox Tax is dedicated to treaty shopping and substance - hot topics in many jurisdictions.
A summary of developments in class actions, including securities class actions, employment actions, and snapshots of other types of cases.
Arbitration has a long history in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has been used for centuries under Shari’ah law in the Kingdom. However, foreign investors in recent years have experienced difficulty in using arbitration in the country. Saudi Arabia has therefore enacted a new arbitration law that is an improvement over the thirty-year old arbitration law that it replaced. The new arbitration law is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration but with modifications to ensure that the arbitration process does not ‘violate Shari’ah’ as practiced in the Kingdom. The article reviews the important components of the new arbitration law and provides a comparative analysis of it to the previous law and international arbitration practice. It also analyses the recognition and enforcement of international arbitration awards in Saudi courts, including the impact of Shari’ah and the new arbitration and enforcement laws. Finally, it provides a narrative on the Saudi court system and its role in arbitration.
This article summarises the legislative framework for the protection of personally<br />identifiable information (PII).
This guide is intended to be the starting point for understanding the Brazilian Arbitration Law. Most of the details presented herein require further study of the Brazilian legal system and its application by the Brazilian courts.
This is a sample agreement between a vendor company and a client company for the design, development and manufacturing of a system (sample agreement governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey).
As more businesses begin to operate on a global scale, European companies may find themselves facing US litigation more frequently. If you are not familiar with US litigation, assessing the potential risks of a situation could prove quite difficult. Consider these 10 factors — know where you stand and which questions to ask.
This article contains specific cases and summaries of the actions against in-house counsel in recent years.
This InfoPAK explores the case law and best principles for handling workplace investigations into employee claims of harassment and other alleged improper treatment in light of the defense provided in Faragher v. City of Boca Raton and the shield that is the attorney-client and attorney work product privileges. This InfoPAK is meant to provide an overview of the Faragher defense (especially in light of recent developments in case law) as well as the salient privileges, and then provide employers with insight on the best practices for protecting the Faragher defense as well as, where possible, the privileges, while proactively addressing employee concerns.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganizations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent in the Cayman Islands?
This sample form is a list of documents to be reviewed in connection with a due diligence review of a company.
This is a sample master construction services agreement that includes a sample statement of work.
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