Read this article discussing the importance of staff retention and in-house lawyers.
This presentation teaches how to manage the work of your legal department like a business unit – with effective project management techniques, and best practices to implement changes in your legal department.
This "How-To" summarizes some steps that in‐house and external counsel can take in setting the tone to establish sustainable relationships.
This is a sample operating agreement, single member with manager in the state of Delaware.
This is a confidentiality agreement involving a company as agent and on behalf of certain funds and accounts.
Testimony of ACCA board Vice Chair John McGuckin, Jr. executive vice president and general counsel of Union Bank of California before the final hearing of the ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility on November 11, 2002. McGuckin notes that the Task Force's proposed changes to Model Rules would not adequately address either 1) perception of the public or 2) the need for lawyers to play a more aggressive role in preventing and reporting illegal activities.
Check this "How To" for a guide to why evaluation of outside counsel makes sense, and how to approach these evaluations for best results.
This is a sample company promissory note where the company is based in Nevada.
This is a sample convertible promissory note.
Professional success in the law is no longer a result of strong technical skills alone. Today, whether you work in-house or in a law firm, career growth and longevity are inextricably linked to one’s emotional intelligence – that is, the ability to develop relationships with colleagues, internal and external clients, strategic partners and others, and how those relationships can deliver meaningful value.
The over-retention of information is the No. 1 information governance challenge companies face. Keeping too much information needlessly drives up discovery costs and creates unnecessary risk of a data breach. But why is it so difficult to hit the delete button? How do companies and in-house counsel get comfortable actually deleting information? This session will discuss how in-house counsel can lead an initiative to reduce the amount of data their companies retain by 50 percent or more. The panel will lead a non-technical discussion on who should be involved, what existing IT resources are required, decision points, and, most important, results.
Swidler & Berlin, et al. v. U.S, U.S. S. Ct., 4/1/1998. This Amicus Brief argues in light of Federal Rule of Evidence 501's "reason and experience" an absolute, rather than qualified, posthumous privilege is necessary. Additionally, the court erred in applying the lax work-product standard for purely factual information to mental-impression work product, and allowed the disclosure of factual material in the lawyer's notes revealing his thoughts and legal strategies.
Internal investigations may present the most “entity threatening” risk to the company and potential liability and pitfalls for in-house lawyers. Lawyers are not trained investigators and yet are often charged with difficult and sensitive investigations. This program will examine the potentially unmanageable and explosive aspect of the investigation: getting information from employees, what tactics do you use, and how do you deal with an employee who turns hostile.
Hopefully your company will never have to defend itself against a proxy contest brought on by a major activist shareholder. However, if you do find yourself drafting a settlement agreement for use in settling a proxy contest, refer to this article—which lists 10 elements that the agreement should contain—during its structuring.
This resource is an overview of dispute resolution practices in the Cayman Islands.
This a sample lease agreement from the United Kingdom.
This is a sample master consulting agreement.
Discuss the role of the in-house attorney as a privacy professional; Learn the valuable role the information security officer plays in developing and maintaining data privacy, and the importance of creating a cooperative relationship; Understand the legal and regulatory landscape of data privacy, specifically how it relates to the transfer of data across borders; Understand the interplay of cybersecurity and data privacy; discuss which components of the data protection umbrella are in the domain of the info security (tech) team, and which are the domain of the data privacy team (legal); and Learn to assess the risks of your current data privacy and information security protocols, and to address these risks using internal and external tools (e.g., ongoing internal controls, external audit and insurance).
Banner Health Amicus Brief
The Corporate & Securities Law Committee and the Employment & Labor Law Committee of the Association of Corporate Counsel ("ACC") are pleased to have this opportunity to provide comments on behalf of ACC with respect to the proposed amendments to the proxy statement executive compensation disclosure rules which the Securties and Exchange Commission (the Commission) published in the Federal Register on February 8, 2006.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investment in Hong Kong businesses and commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in February 2018.
This is a sample services agreement between a vendor company and a non-profit.
This is a sample warehousing and fulfillment agreement.
Privacy law in Australia exists through a two- tiered system of legislation – Federal and State/Territory. The Federal legislation, the Privacy Act 1988 and the combination of its National Privacy Principles and Information Privacy Principles apply across the entire Australian jurisdiction. The States/Territories also have their own legislation, which apply both to public and private bodies, though the exact application differs between the two types of bodies. Read this article to learn more.
This is sample agreement between an artist and a purchaser who desires the creation of a work of art. It includes specifications for scope of work, date of delivery and ownership of the work.
Advanced Law Department Metrics: Contract Analytics and AI
Recently, the Supreme Court of Canada released its decisions in three related appeals, two from the British Columbia Court of Appeal and one from the Quebec Court of Appeal, all dealing with the certification of price-fixing claims as class actions. This article reviews the issues addressed by the appeals and assesses their impact.
This is a sample workstation security policy.
A well-managed diverse legal department is likely to perform better in this changing environment because a diverse workforce enables the organisation to offer a wider range of resources, skills, ideas and energy to the business, providing a competitive edge and seizing the benefits of resourcing from a wider pool of talent. This session will give you an understanding of the importance of diversity and you will learn how creating a well-managed diverse legal team can help bring more innovation and increased performance and creative problem-solving derived from a greater blend of perspectives and opinions.
This guide offers 10 actionable strategies and resources to empower them. All data cited in this report is sourced from the 2024 Chief Legal Officers Survey.
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