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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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George Bass, Margaret Foran, Holly Gregory, Steve Walker

Join a panel of leading governance experts and sitting directors to discuss hot issues affecting corporate boards today, including: How boardrooms have evolved in the past decade, specifically with regard to the spotlight on the boardroom, director skills disclosure enhancements, and shareholder activism; the compliance, competition, risk management, and innovative disruption issues that keep board members up at night; building and maintaining a strategic asset board; and finding and vetting potential board members (i.e., the impact of recruiting less experienced board members, common pitfalls if a company lacks a rigorous board vetting practice, etc.) diversity in board composition (i.e., what is meant by “diversity,” will there be mandatory requirements like those in europe, etc.). Board refreshment and tenure, and evaluations (i.e., term limits, the role of board evaluations, other tools used to roll board members off for non-performance, etc.). Ethical issues in the current environment and failures in oversight. Identify proven best practices for handling each of these issues and receive practical takeaway materials to employ in your own in-house practice.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Dan Puterbaugh, Monica Reinmiller and Sarah Sederstrom

Map out key areas of compliance and risk management that can be addressed through effective contract management. Discuss contracting best practices that experienced in-house practitioners have developed to support compliance and risk management. Explore tips for performing a contract risk audit to identify contracts where additional language should address major risks. Identify best practices and tools that your peers use to analyze and address key risks posed by a proposed contract.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Lucy Bassli

This presentation provides practical experience with legal process outsourcing.

Reese Arrowsmith, Adam Shank and Aaron Van Nice

This webcast urges the leaders of legal departments to not only think about their day-to-day responsibilities, but to actively plan on managing and driving change from within the department as well.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Audience: Legal Operations
Michael Smith

Building upon the lessons learned in Part I (Session 911), faculty will further discuss the practical application of financial decision making practices to your everyday work. Faculty will also explain important analytical tools that indicate whether a new project will create value, such as: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period and Economic Value Added (EVA).

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Michael Deer, Phil Lee, Partner, Allison Malin, CM Tokë Vandervoort

To create a privacy program that meets compliance demands and customers’ expectations, there are four main areas you will need to address: getting your C-suite’s attention without the “help” of law enforcement or regulators, determining what resources are already in place to prevent the worst, prioritizing what is most important for your company to avoid disaster and putting together a long-term, defensible strategy. In this session, learn ways to build trust, design a defensible program and create a lasting privacy culture.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Richard Fontana, Scott Peterson, McCoy Smith, Robert Tiller

This session represents a continued discussion from the 2014 ACC Annual Meeting of the risks and rewards of using open-source software (OSS) for internal applications and in products licensed to end users. The session will focus on OSS licensing and compliance management programs, policies and practices. A successful OSS policy ensures compliance with OSS license terms and protects your company’s IP assets while enabling development teams to get the job done. Discussion will include establishing and maintaining a successful OSS compliance process and review of sample policies and practices.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Kourtney Bigelow, Sherie Edwards, Stephen Roth, Elizabeth Wall

Most of us have read an article or attended a seminar on executive presence. And the advice all seems to be the same. Be confident. Project gravitas. Stay calm. Speak up. However, the usefulness of this information only goes so far. This program will break out of that box and discuss concrete and specific steps for developing executive presence. Topics will include developing charisma, using body language to your advantage, and how to maintain attitudes that will assist in projecting presence. The program will include a game show segment, concepts from well-known books and at least one classic TED Talk. There will also be a discussion of the challenges women often face with executive presence, many of which were raised by Sheryl Sandberg in her book, "Lean In."

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Stephen Herbes, Lauren Neiswender, Lori Nugent, Shareholder

When a significant data breach happens, first responders face significant challenges under extreme pressure. This panel will provide an overview of the current environment in which data breaches are addressed in litigation and regulatory investigations. The panelists will walk you through what happens behind the scenes when a potential breach is identified, investigated and notified and the ensuing regulatory investigations and class action litigation proceedings. Having provided a real-world perspective, the panel will then discuss effective ways to prepare now, so that your company is ready to handle a breach situation well. Panelists will provide concrete examples of measures taken in advance of a breach that make a difference when it happens, including evaluating exposures, reserving and insurance to protect the bottom line; managing vendors and coordinating with others when sensitive data is shared and effective ways to keep your board informed about cybersecurity.

Resource Details
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
Dave Berndt, Cynthia Sandoval, Phil Weis

All in-house counsel know how important it is to train employees on labor and employment law topics including Title VII, Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments, National Labor Relations Act and wage-and-hour. However, few have cracked the code on the how of training. What training techniques are impactful? What approaches have shown to increase knowledge retention? What are your colleagues doing to keep employees engaged in the training? This session offers a unique look at the newest trends and techniques in employee training.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Employment and Labor
Source: Meetings
Region: United States
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