A panel of leading in-house counsel and international enforcement officials engaged in a fast-paced discussion of current antitrust issues that impact multinational companies in today’s increasingly global business environment. Antitrust and competition policy issues were in the cross-hairs of this panel’s rapid-fire analysis that included merger review, pricing policies, treatment of joint ventures, and exclusionary conduct. These experienced practitioners shared their insights and practical advice from jurisdictions around the world.
Technology has vastly expanded the universe of sweepstakes and contests that may be offered, as well as the entries that may be submitted by consumers. In addition, the recent explosion of social and viral marketing elements in these types of initiatives has made them far more complex from a legal perspective. Jumping into this arena without the proper foresight can cause a variety of legal and regulatory problems for a company. Rules and regulations vary from state-to-state and country-to-country. This session served as an overview of the various regulatory schemes, and a practical guide on how to avoid the most common pitfalls.
Law departments continue to face unique challenges resulting from Sarbanes-Oxley. As new regulations are introduced, the list of requirements that businesses must satisfy becomes more complex and exhaustive. Simultaneously, law departments face budget constraints, competitive pressures requiring rapid-fire responses, and the risks created by internal “silos.” Today, a law department’s structure directly impacts the ability of supervising attorneys to manage operations and deliver quality client service. This interactive workshop addressed the challenges faced by in-house counsel and shared best practices for successfully managing a law department.
Outsourcing of legal services to non-US entities is a significant trend. Corporate counsel must understand how this will affect their role and services to their clients and be prepared to address questions raised by senior management as this practice becomes more widespread. Topics covered included outsourcing legal services to non-US entities, relevant ethical considerations, practical considerations such as monitoring and controlling quality, types of matters that can or even should be outsourced to non-US counsel, and privilege and confidentiality issues.
Increasingly, law departments are responsible for more than just practicing law — they are also responsible for efficient and fiscally responsible operations. Managing costs, reducing risk, and improving productivity are all priorities for corporate counsel because law departments are being evaluated against the same standards as other departments within their companies. To meet this challenge, law departments need new tools for measuring value and results. This session shared best practices on using metrics to manage or control costs, evaluate outside counsel performance, increase efficiencies, and communicate the value of the law department to company management.
As sports and entertainment based marketing grows, many companies have opted to engage athletes, entertainers, teams and leagues. This program will cover the basics of sponsorship agreements from both the team/talent side and the sponsor perspective. Special consideration will be paid to points such as league subservience, exclusivities, indemnity, morals clauses and labor stoppages. This program will cater to the novice lawyer to an experienced contractual negotiator in both the for-profit and nonprofit arenas.
This presentation covers EU and the data privacy and security movement, as well as it's history, and the comparison between the EU and the APEC.
This session will discuss monitoring and protecting intellectual property assets around the globe. Learn the risks and challenges other companies are facing, and how they are combating IP infringement. The topics addressed will include: identifying and protecting against risks to your brand; strategies for monitoring your brand name; tackling domain squatters and combating other brand abuse; developing strategies for protecting your brand on a global scale; and how counterfeit goods and piracy impact brands and the best practices for targeting suppliers of counterfeit goods.
A review of the year’s IP legal developments including patent, trademark and copyright primarily.
A series of tips for general counsel on how to manage liability at a sports/entertainment facility.
An overview of the process of licensing music, videos, and photos. Includes a discussion of basic copyright law, the Fair Use Doctrine, and other intellectual property issues.
Examine today's most meaningful metrics and acquire the tools to determine which metrics matter most for you and your organization.
With its rapidly growing economy and expanding middle class, India has become an increasingly attractive market in which to invest and do business. While there has been a liberalization of the Indian economy, regulatory constraints and other challenges remain. Learn about the key bureaucratic, regulatory and legal considerations of making investments, creating joint ventures and distributing products in India, including protecting technology transfers to India and selecting suitable dispute resolution mechanisms.
Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - International Distribution from A-Z
Handout for ACC Chicago and Mayer Brown webinar, Negotiating Technology Deals, on May 24, 2023.
Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - Copyright Protection in Cyberspace: IP on the ’Net
Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - Conducting Business Online - What General Counsel Need to Know
Presented at ACCA’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - Career Development: Recruiters, the Net, and Beyond Finding Your Next Job
Presented at ACC's Annual Meeting 2000; Program - A Global Overview of Product Content Rules, etc.
Presented at ACC’s Annual Meeting 2000; Program - A Comparative Analysis between U.S. and European Competition Laws
An outline providing guidance on how to structure international strategic alliances. Includes tips on framing relationships and complying with U.S. and Foreign laws.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover have created uniform data security standards for any business that accepts credit cards. This program provided an overview of these requirements, how they evolved, what is required, who is impacted, what happens if there is a breach, drafting suggestions for agreements with vendors impacted by PCI, suggestions for making sure your business is compliant, and a look at the future direction of the standards. Compliance is challenging and costly, but noncompliance can result in intense negative publicity, huge fines, and a loss of consumer confidence.
Trademarks are an area of legal practice that many corporate counsel seek to bring in-house to reduce fees for outside counsel. In this program, a panel of in-house trademark attorneys provided a detailed overview of trademark practice in-house, including a review of global trademark clearance processes, when and how to file for federal registration rights, and how to file for foreign trademark rights. The panel also highlighted important updates in US and foreign trademark laws.
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